Transcription help requested for just four words - chancery (?) script (Prerogative Court of Canterbury will)

+6 votes

In his will Henry bequeaths his leases of two farms to his nephews John and Thomas. I can't work out the names of the two farms, but they might be useful in establishing exactly which John and Thomas Bocking they are.

The farms in question are the last two words on each of the lines marked with a red X at the image here.

Thanks for your help.

WikiTree profile: Henry Bocking
in Genealogy Help by Mark Dorney G2G6 Mach 6 (67.8k points)

1 Answer

+10 votes

Looks like Dramfyld ffarme and Medham Rydinges

by Nic Donnelly G2G6 Mach 8 (84.3k points)
I agree
Spot on. The contraction at the end of Ryding can mean "-is", "-es" or "-s", but here I would transcribe it as "-es" too.
Thanks Hellen and I Speed!

Unfortunately I can't located either of these two farms or even find another reference to them. It was worth a shot though.

You might have already seen them, but there's Diocese of Lichfield wills on FindMyPast that might be useful. For example, there's a will for a Thomas Bockinge of Castleton (about 3 miles from Hope), proved 1615, who looks like he's part of the same family.

And there was a Star Chamber lawsuit in 1608 against "Thomas Bocking, husbandman, Ralph Bocking, Grace Bocking his wife ... Robert Furnes, Katherine Saunderson" and others: see here.

Thanks I Speed. I'd previously looked at the Lichfield wills. It's all so tantalising close but getting the precise relationships are just out of reach.

It would be easier if every second male or so wasn't called Ralph.

I was hoping if I could locate the farms in space that might correlate with other location information on other Bockings.

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