How to add my remaining two brothers to both my father John Willie Bagwell and mother Dovie Gladys Bagwell children

+2 votes
in The Tree House by Carl Bagwell G2G Rookie (190 points)

One thing to be aware of is whether those siblings of yours are alive. If alive they will not be visible to public view nor to any other PM at WT unless you place that PM on a trusted list.   

If dec'd Michel has outlined the procedure(s) 

2 Answers

+4 votes
If I interpret your question well enough: you want to add children to your parents, right? So you are one child already present, and you want to add 'siblings'.

For that, there are two paths.

1. You go to your own profile, edit. Then you want to 'add a sibling'. That option is on the right hand side of a profile. That will assume the same parents as you have.

2. You go to the father, edit, and from there 'add child/children'. Fill in the information and make sure to choose the mother correctly. That is the option/question in the bottom of the screen. Without chosing a mother the child will only be attached to the father and be a 'half' brother/sister.

Hope this helps.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (350k points)
+2 votes
click on the Edit tab, then on the far right column, there are links to add father/mother/siblings/children (depending on your starting point). Click on the appropriate link and follow the instructions
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (592k points)

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