How to find out who Magdelena Engert is?

+1 vote
I'm revisiting a question I asked two years ago.

The situation revolves around these two bits of information:

In the 1870 US census for 1st Ward, Fremont, Sandusky, Ohio.

Engert, John, 54
    Anna, 55
    William, 18
    Mary, 14
Williamson, Clara 16
    William, 22

This data matches the research my mother did before I inherited the database. The Williamsons are niece and nephew to Anna.

In the 1880 US census for 2nd ward, Fremont, Sandusky, Ohio.

Engert, John, 64
    Anna, 63, wife
    Mary, 23, daughter
    John Jr., 21, son
    William H, 16, son
    Magdelena, 9, daughter

A general feeling from the previous question was that the William in 1880 is not the same person as the William in 1870. Indeed, there is a separate census record for the elder William. A big reason for that belief is that Anna would have been in her late 40s when this William was born, and in her mid 50s when Magdelena was born.

One possibility is that the younger William and Magdelena were adopted. Another is they're some other relative, such as great-neice and great-nephew.

I've searched the FamilySearch Ohio Births Database and didn't see any matches for an Engert child born in or near Fremont a couple years before and after 1871.

Where might I search for more details about the younger William and Magdelena?

I also noticed that John Jr. does not show up in the 1870 census at 11 years old.

John's early life has always been a puzzle. The census records say he was born in Baden. I have a record saying he came to America in 1839 and married Anna in 1845. I don't know of any siblings and don't know his parents.

The ID below is for Anna.
WikiTree profile: Anna Engert
in Genealogy Help by Paul Kinney G2G6 Mach 1 (18.5k points)

Do you think this is her?

Magdalene Engert

 in the Mannheim, Germany, Marriages, 1870-1920

Name: Magdalene Engert
Gender: weiblich (Female)
Birth Date: 27 Sep 1873
Age: 26
Marriage Date: 5 Apr 1900
Marriage Place: Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland (Germany)
Spouse: Friedrich Daniel Stamm
Spouse Gender: männlich (Male)
Spouse Birth Date: 21 Jan 1868
Certificate Number: 318
Title: Heiratsregister MA-Stadt (Nr. 314 - 702)
Archive Sequence Number: 119
Volume: 2

Magdalena Engert

 in the Mannheim, Germany, Family Registers, 1760-1900

Name: Magdalena Engert
Relation to Head: Tochter (Daughter)
Birth Date: 27 Okt 1873 (27 Oct 1873)
Residence Place: Mannheim, Baden
Household Members:
Friedrich Engert
Therese Hochstuhl
Carl Engert
Barbara Catharina Engert
Magdalena Engert
Thanks for your efforts. Since the Magdelena in my family showed up in the US census in Ohio in 1880 to a family that was in the 1870 census I'm pretty sure your proposal isn't the right one.

I'm looking for suggestions for where to look for US documents for her birth.
My next door neighbor ,Was Catholic,His wife had 14 children

She had last one at age 52, In ther house many times,Rooms

wall too wall beds and clothes lines.

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