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+2 votes
looking for information aaron medrano born 1884 married to Marcelina campos de medrano 1891 parents of maria del refugio medrano campos she was married to julian huerta I don't have but that information on my paternal side of the family
in Genealogy Help by Miguel Huerta G2G Crew (730 points)

Miguel, do you know where these people lived?  Could they be from Guanajuato, Mexico?  The names you mentioned seem similar to a family listed on the 1930 Mexican census from Salvatierra, Guanajuato.

San Nicolas de los agustinos very close to salva tierra

I searched for the name. This place in Mexico I think?,_Guanajuato

Good to know for people from another part of the world like me wink

San Nicolás de los Agustinos in Salvatierra municipality:

Valle de Santiago, from which many of this family's relatives moved to San Nicolás de los Agustinos:

1 Answer

+6 votes

Here they are in the 1930 census in San Nicolás de Agustínos:

line 46 is Aaron Medrano, age 46; line 47 is Marselina Campos, age 39; line 48 is M Refugio Medrano, age 13, and there are two further siblings (ages 10 and 8) on the next two lines.

by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)

Maria Refugio's birth record (born 8 March 1916 in San Nicolas, if I read this correctly) is here:, left-hand side, middle of the page. This confirms the parents but unfortunately does not list the grandparents.

I suspect that Aaron may have been the Yrenio Vicente Medrano baptised 3 June 1881 in Valle de Santiago (which is less than 20 miles from San Nicolas) as child of Juan Medrano and Eleuteria Garcia. See, left-hand side, top record

do you know where I could look up marriage records

Miguel: has a searchable index of the Catholic Church records of Guanajuato from 1519 to 1984 at I did not find a marriage of Aaron Medrano or Marcelina Campos there, so is it possible they did not have a church wedding? Or else the indexer mangled their names (which is always a distinct possibility with these databases). also has the Civil Registration records for Guanajuato from 1862 to 1930 at This collection has not been indexed by them, but it has been indexed by (which, unlike, is a paysite). If you have an account, you can search the Guanajuato civil marriage records at Unfortunately, I have not found a marriage for Aaron Medrano and Marcelina Campos there, either (there was a Marcelina Campos of Jaripitiro who married a Leandro Arroyo in 1912, but I'm sure that's a different Marcelina Campos).

The 1930 census does state that both Aaron and Marcelina were born in Guanajuato, but perhaps they got married out-of-state.

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