EDIT: Used birth name, but bio name different. Dad tested w/3. Wiki links me to birthname groups!

+4 votes
in Policy and Style by Karen Stetler G2G1 (1.3k points)
edited by Karen Stetler
Names aren't genetic. Neither is identity.

Your birth surname comes from your birth documentation, not from your DNA.

Surnames are human-created labels used to identify individuals and family groups.

DNA is nature-created biological matter that creates humans (and other living creatures). DNA doesn't care what human-created labels we are given.

Your DNA tests can and probably will connect you to other surnames, so you need not worry.

...my 2 Bennies - hope it helps...

3 Answers

+5 votes

Deep breaths.   There can certainly be surprising results from DNA testing but verify the facts thoroughly.

I'm certainly not a DNA testing expert,  and I'm sure someone with more expertise will help guide you.   But from the few facts you've posted,  you'll just receive general guidance.   

I will mention,  my surname is not my  "biological" surname.  I've known this for decades and have avoided DNA testing until the generation that would be hurt by the facts has passed on.

From a WikiTree perspective,  my  "non biological" maiden name remains the same.  It's what's on my birth certificate.

Good Luck with your research.
by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)
As Peggy says, LNAB is just that last name at birth and usually from your birth certificate. Later name changes are entered under current last name or other last name.
+4 votes

It's like they say,
1) your LNAB the one on your birth certificate is the legal one and
2) a certain percentage of those who have a DNA test done do get surprises and
3) don't stop at just one test by one company, there are other companies and someone will recommend another one or two for you to ALSO have your test done. The results of any test done by any company depends upon the DNA pool of the population that the company uses ...
Many of the more experienced PM will have their tests done by 3 or even 4 companies and often it will be the autosomal and also the Y-DNA and the mtDNA as well and fairly often they'll get a second autosomal by a 2nd company 

Someone better informed can explain why that pool of the population used can vary from one company to another and how that can affect the DNA test results 

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (683k points)
+3 votes

If you registered your WikiTree account using your stated birth surname from your birth certificate/registration, then you registered correctly. It doesn't matter if that surname is not your biological father's surname.

Only if you have your birth certificate/registration changed to reflect your biological father's surname should you change your birth surname at WikiTree.

DNA does not have a human-created surname encoded into it.

...my opinions...

by Lindy Jones G2G6 Pilot (264k points)

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