Can I add a DNA test to a profile for a person who is not myself?

+1 vote
I added several profiles, working down 180 years to the present, all for the purpose of reaching a person who has taken a Y-DNA test, so that profiles in his paternal line will indicate that a Y-DNA test is available and should match that line and related lines.  Now, after all that work, I realize that I may not be allowed to add the test to the profile.  Is this the case?
in WikiTree Help by John Yates G2G2 (2.8k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes

Here is the page on "DNA results connected to profiles" > Connecting DNA Test Results to WikiTree Profiles

Probably has the answer(s) to your question

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (686k points)
+2 votes
Here's the answer that I needed:  

On the profile page, see the DNA heading at the top of the column on the right.  Click on the appropriate test that you want to add.
by John Yates G2G2 (2.8k points)


If you manage DNA tests for other people, you MUST get their express permission first before adding their DNA information to their profiles. WikiTree insists on this. Edit: currently, WikiTree does not allow entering DNA information for anyone but yourself, but you can help others enter their DNA info on their profiles.

The person is deceased, so his permission won't be forthcoming.  This will be increasingly common in the future.

Glad to know it all came together for you. By "increasingly common" I will take it that you mean as you create more profiles for the dec'd.   By some mysterious way, what you initially post as a DNA result will spread out to kindred ... not sure how that works ... I did NOT post mine but nevertheless three different relatives' DNA test results showed up on my profile 

Thanks.  Oh, I've tried to get my long-deceased ancestors to test, without any luck so far.  My relatives with the most useful tests though are a generation or two back from me and are passing quickly.  My own generation is headed that way, slowly but surely.

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