Whom do I contact about Briggs (Puritan)?

+2 votes
From Family Search I found the parents of Experience Harvey 1644-1720 to Be William Harvey and Joan Hucker. (date of death & parents names entered under Jonathan Briggs 1635-1690. Their children included Daughter born 1664-1664 (L24M-3SS); and Daughter born 1689 (KZVB-XF5).

May I enter these last two? Under Teri Woods?

Sincerely, Sharon (Dewald-135) Skeels.
in Genealogy Help by Sharon Skeels G2G4 (4.1k points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
First, click on the Find menu at the top right of this page. Then, go down that menu and click on Surnames. Enter Jonathan Briggs. There will be a fair number of men named Jonathan Briggs listed. Page down and enter his birth year 1635. You will find about three named Jonathan Briggs and will know which one is right because of the birth and death years. There are two people who you can contact as you will see.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+2 votes
Experience Harvey Harvey-2656 married to Thomas Harvey has the parents that you mentioned connected to her.

There is another Experience Harvey who is Unknown-325561 and married to Jonathan Briggs.  This profile states that she is not the Experience Harvey above.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (835k points)
+4 votes

So if its someone who arrived 1640 or before, they would be covered under the Puritan Great Migration Project.  After, it would be the Massachusetts Project.  (You should probably add the PGM and Massachusetts tag to this g2g post).

Please use the information in the FamilySearch tree with caution.  The relationships in the tree on their own aren't considered reliable for pre-1700 profiles, but they may have records attached that are.

Especially in these early ancestors there are serious errors in the FamilySearch tree.

PGM Reliable Sources

by M Cole G2G6 Pilot (100k points)

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