What happened to direct link to Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) free-space profile page on Wasp Genealogy page? [closed]

+3 votes
In less than 12 hours a direct link has been removed from Wasp Genealogy page. There was a direct link to WASP free-space page located in Wasp Genealogy and now it's not there.  Why?  It's a direct link to Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) directly below the green SEARCH button on the right side.   

Been using this link from the start of creation.  Over 200 times.

@Melanie Paul, nope didn't change the tags, oops, yes I did.  Omgoodness.  Thank you for bringing to my attention.  Sorry everyone.
WikiTree profile: Paula Reinke
closed with the note: All good
in The Tree House by Paula Reinke G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
closed by Natalie Trott
I wonder if this is in any way related to the bug occurring with new space pages.  (Probably not, but you also never know.)


Edited to add : did you change the tags at all?

2 Answers

+4 votes

The only explanation I can come up with is that there had been a tag for WASP on whatever page it is you are talking about but it was removed. Wasp would be a tag for persons named WASP, though, and not really for a unit of pilots.

If it's this page:https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Special:NetworkFeed&space=12501923 the last edit was in 2019/

by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
edited by Natalie Trott
Yes, Wasp is a surname tag. I have no idea why it's gone from your page.

EDIT:Check the changes tab!
+4 votes
by Paula Reinke G2G6 Pilot (106k points)
Well, who knew there were this many WASP pages. It appears that you are the only editor of the page. You get three tags on a space page. Curious as to why you have tagged Obama, Roosevelt, and Carter, though. The page really isn't about them, though they are mentioned. Personally, I'd tag Military and War.
If I had to drop a tag to get WASP back, I'd drop Roosevelt, because the law by Carter, and the medal by Obama, seem more .. more (sorry, brain blip -- it's not more important, but .. ..)
I disagree about those tags. The page is about the women pilots and using the President names puts the attention on them. If there is a tag for women's history or something, and M&W, they are more appropriate.
I agree it's about the women, but Carter signed the law that gave the WASPs actual military status, and Obama the law granting the Congressional gold medal.  Barring other, more pertinent, tags, they're ok for now, but maybe should be replaced when "better" tags are found.  (Unless Paula's idea  is to use those tags as click bait.)

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