My Research Note (8/9/20) for Catherine Bevier-54 includes a number of under-sourced children who could be made into respectable profiles if only they had proper sources for their baptismal information. The best source that I know of for this information for citizens of Warwarsing and Rochester is Jean Worden's "The Rochester Reformed Church, 1736-1901," c 1985. This volume (or manuscript??) is difficult to find online; perhaps paying subscribers of have access to it. Or perhaps someone's local library would have it.
I beg for some WikiTreer with access to do the Bevier and Depuy families a great service by digging out the facts and page numbers and posting them on the appropriate profile pages. Including the parents listed on the baptisms is important here. Finding the marriage records for Benjamin Depuy's three wives would be useful, too.
Is there some other good source of this information I should know about? A few people from Rochester or Warwarsing show up in Hoes or perhaps Vosburgh, but the RDC Church at Rochester ought to have its own volume, surely.