This profile says she is a Fille du Roy. Is she?

+4 votes
The biography says she is a Fille du Roy. Her husbands profile says he is married to a fille du roi and that he is married to her.  But she isn't flagged or managed as one.
WikiTree profile: Madeleine Prévost
in Genealogy Help by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (356k points)
What is the name of the husband? What year was he born and what was the location, country, county and city? What is the supposed year of the marriage and the location? Is there a birth year and a location associated with Fille du Roy?

My In-Laws have a Louise Roy who married Elie Bouchard in Quebec, Canada. Louise was the daughter of Louis Roy.

For those who aren't canadian history buffs, here is what a Fille du roi is:

Fille du Roi (King's Daughter), a program sponsored by Louis XIV to encourage young single women or widows without children to emigrate to New France. The expression Filles du Roi was coined by Marguerite Bourgeoys to designate Louis XIV's sponsorship progam for populating New France, including in terms of a dowry for each Fille du Roi. Between 1663 and 1674, close to 800 Filles du Roi were recruited to go to New France.

Under the program, the Louis XIV sponsored paying the transportation of, along with a dowry for, the daughters. As a rule, the dowry was equivalent to 50 livres for marrying a commoner and as much as 100 livres for a girl marrying an officer, the total being roughly equivalent to $1,425 in 2000 currency. In addition to having the costs of her passage paid by the state, each daughter received an assortment of practical items in a case: a coiffe, bonnet, taffeta handkerchief, pair of stockings, pair of gloves, ribbon, four shoelaces, white thread, 100 needles, 1,000 pins, a comb, pair of scissors, two knives and two livres in cash.

Almost two-thirds of the daughters had lost one or both parents with many coming from convents or hospitals where they'd been placed as orphans and other poor commoners.

In France, fathers found husbands for their daughters, who married who they were told to marry. Things were different in New France, since there was a lopsided large number of single men compared to the number of marriageable females. The New France administration had penalties for single men, but provided more attractive benefits to married couples, including financial rewards to families with many children. Single men would sometimes spend a year or more getting their house ready for their new bride to be.

Desroches 2017, Les Filles du Roy

I took it from here:

Frank, if you go to her profile you can see her husband.  Click on him and you can get those answers.
thanks for the heads-up Cindy, found the right woman and transferred the spouse and son.  will fix Martin's daughter so she reflects the correct data for her also.
Thank you for clearing it all up, Danielle.
the girl Madeleine died in 1662 at age 6 1/2.

5 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
There appears to have been a merge somewhere in there, the woman who married Michel Aubin was a widow who came to the colony with her daughter.  She was not the daughter of Martin Prévost.  sigh.
by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (717k points)
selected by Stanley Baraboo
Her funeral record in 1700 gave her the age of 55.  She was widow of Maurice Berthelot.  Who never came here.
and I have found her correct profile.  Will be transferring  Michel Aubin to her etc.

Greetings Danielle .. In Regard: The Tanguay Collection for Martin Prevost lists two Marie Madeleine Prevost s. One born Dec. 28, 1647, married Michel Aubin June 11, 1670 and the second Marie Madeleine Prevost born Jan. 13, 1655 and died March 16, 1661. 

thanks Gerald, another instance where Tanguay tried to plug a hole with no evidence.
I agree .. Cross checking Tanguay 's information is always a must.

Thank you for your work.
+7 votes

On our Wikitree page

she is listed as undecided. She is born in Quebec !? 

I reviewed the ancestry sources and they do not offer evidence that she was contracted. 

Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 for Marie-Madeleine Prevost lists two birth dates and two Marie Madeleine's. The listing that includes her marriage to Michel Aubin  June 11, 1670 lists her birth date as Dec 28, 1647. 

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Thanks, Gerry.  Someone needs to edit her husbands profile  because it states that he was married to a fille du roi.  Perhaps her profile should have a note that this status is questionable.
+4 votes

She appears to be on the list kept by the Filles du Roi project.

However she is not hyperlinked, and there is a word Undecided in the column regarding who manages her profile.

Maybe the project will tell us what they have determined regarding her status.

by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (302k points)
Yes that's why I tagged it with Fille de Roi.  Some editing seems warranted for both her and her husband.
+4 votes

She is on the PRDH list. # 11333 married 11 Jun 1670 to Michel Aubin.

by Ron Raymer G2G6 Mach 5 (55.2k points)
Yes, thank you.  She already has the correct husband.  But according to the comments above, her status is uncertain.  Neither her profile nor her husbands profile indicate uncertainty.
+4 votes
If her parents are correct, she cannot be a Fille du Roi.  Her parents were married in New France and she was born in New France.  In fact her parents' marriage is celebrated as the first marriage recorded between a lady of a First Nation and a European man.

The Fille du Roi program was an emigration incentive.  There is no need to enroll a woman who is already living in New France in such a plan.
by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (302k points)
(She is my first cousin 11 times removed)
Someone needs to clean her up.  Perhaps you'd be interested in making the proper edits?  I got rid of an unmerged match that was not really a match, but she needs more work (as does her spouse) on this fille du roi status.

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