Meet our Members: Rosalie Neve

+19 votes

Hi everyone!

Meet_our_Members_Photos-5.jpgIt's time to meet another one of our Wonderful WikiTreers. This week's member is Rosalie Neve

Rosalie became a Wiki Genealogist earlier this year. She is active in our Australia and England projects.

What are some of the surnames you are researching?

I am still researching (or probably more aptly searching for) my Martin line that immigrated to Australia potentially from Scotland, the Kelly ancestors in Scotland, my Quin, Quigley, Behan and Sheridan ancestors in Ireland, my children’s Richards, Sloggett, Jarvis, Simpson, Neve, Neilson, Boyd and Hoad ancestors and my grandchildren’s Dyer, Sims, Phillips, Crawford and Miller families (to name a few).

What are some of the locations you are researching?

As well as my Australian research focused mainly on the east coast of New South Wales, I have a lot of research I would like to do on family line ancestors in Ireland, Scotland, and England. I have had a lot of oral history passed on to me from any family historians in the lines I am interested in but a lot of the information needs fact-checking and evidence provided to support it. I am hoping the skills and knowledge I gain from working through the Orphan Trail and the Tartan Trail will help me on my quest.

When and how did you get interested in genealogy and family history?

I do not remember a time when I was not interested in family history. My earliest memories are of my father teaching me to recite the family tree as it was given to him by his grandmother with the additions of people and events he had witnessed in his life time to date. As I got older he would tell me that one day the members of my family who had been ‘taken away’ would come looking for their family and someone had to be ready to tell them where they belonged. Six months to the day after he died this actually happened and one of the family was looking for their family and had placed an advertisement in the Indigenous Times Newspaper. I knew they were family because I already had the names of those we expected to want to know who they were one day. However, it was not one of my father’s cousins as he had expected. It was their child. It was an exceptionally emotional experience for my father’s living siblings and the broader family who met their new relative and shared photos and stories of their grandparents they had never met and their father in his childhood with them personally. 

Who's your favorite ancestor and why?

To choose a favourite is hard and probably would almost change daily, but as I think about it tonight my favourite ancestor is my maternal grandmother. Nana Kelly was the head of our household for a large part of my younger years. She was an avid family historian and introduced me to written family history carefully scribed in Bibles, and a bookshelf full of pressed flower memoirs and precious gifted book inscriptions. The oldest one I remember finding was on her husband’s side of the family and it was given to Pop’s grandfather in 1828. The brown inked lettering always fascinated me. I bought my Nana Kelly’s home that I grew up in as a child and some of my children and grandchildren still live there and mind it for me when I am in Queensland.  

Tell us about a brick wall you were able to break down or one you hope to bust through.

I have many brick walls that I hope one day to break through and not many success stories I could share. The brick wall story that I have tried hard to break through this week is William Behan - 

Every time I have checked my ‘suggestions’ since the Connect-a-Thon William has been taunting me *sigh*. His almost empty profile remains almost empty. Many years ago I remember reading the transcript of the trial for manslaughter of his sons but I no longer have access to those hard copy sources and trying to find anything to confirm that William Behan was the father of Denis and William who were transported on the Elphinstone in 1838 is proving to be a little elusive.

What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?

I enjoy wildlife photography and Questagame has helped me identify many of the amazing animals and plants around me so I can share that information with my children and grandchildren. 

[Interview continues in comments.]

WikiTree profile: Rosalie Neve
in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

How long have you been on WikiTree and what do you spend the most time doing?

I joined WikiTree at the start of June this year and I have really enjoyed my little over 2 months here. I have spent most of my time so far constructing a copy of the material I have in a private online platform so that others in the families can access it and add their branches. I have created a lot of the profiles but I have yet to source them well and write worthy bios for them all. I will be busy for a very long time I think. I have joined the Australia and England Project teams and I am currently working on sourcing my Aboriginal Australian profiles in particular and on the Orphan trail to learn more about England family records. I arrived on WikiTree in time for the England V Australia Ashes Challenge which was great fun and I am looking forward to the next one. 

What brought you to WikiTree?

I am still not sure how I found WikiTree. I was all excited at the start of June because it is a long weekend where I work and I was going to spend my three days doing family history in between gardening, taking photos and snacking. I opened the online platform I have my private family tree on and it was not available. I could access it on my phone but not on my computer. I am old and my eyesight is not what it used to be – I wanted the big screen. I fired off messages to the site administrators advising them we had a problem. While I waited for a reply and access I was playing on Google and WikiTree came up. I had a look, loved the collaborative and one tree concept and so started then and there replicating my private tree into WikiTree.

What is your favorite thing about WikiTree?

The main reason my previous online tree was changed to private some years back was because I had noticed a lot of mistakes in the trees that were replicated from it that were not corrected even when they were highlighted to the tree managers. The whole concept of no way of showing that something is the point of truth as much as family history can be made me remove my tree from the public domain until I had time to correct any errors I had in it and collect any evidence required to refute some mistakes in other material that was in the public domain. As I am sure you can imagine that was very unlikely to ever happen in my lifetime. What I love about WikiTree is that it is not just me now who will be correcting those errors and providing that evidence.

If you could improve one thing about WikiTree, what would it be?

I am still learning as I go on WikiTree so I do not have anything to improve as yet. I like the way that proposed changes are developed and discussed that I have seen over the brief time I have been involved. 

What is an example of how WikiTree has helped you with your genealogy or how you’ve helped genealogy with WikiTree?

WikiTree has helped my already to make contact with more living cousins. Just this weekend I have had a relative approach me through private message on social media because of our common ancestor profile they found on WikiTree. For my Aboriginal family history in particular the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that each individual brings are valuable to try and put the whole picture together. This is critical when so much of the details were never written down by us. 

Any tips for someone just starting out on WikiTree?

Relax, take your time, read as much of the background information as you can… or just start with a profile for yourself and learn as you go. We are all different so make WikiTree work for you. 

That said in the ‘Lessons learned’ category. Make sure when WikiTree asks for your name right at the start – you reply with your surname at birth. Saves a lot of confusion, frustration, embarrassment and extra work later. 

Great read Rosalie, thanks for sharing. We are 17 steps removed, I think my closest ever. The crossover is your husband's William Lee who married  Mary (Dargan) Lee, 1821 in Windsor. Mary's nephew married into my Gormans.
Thanks Elsie for the kind words. I love seeing the degree relationships to other Wikitreers too.

6 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
Hi Rosalie, it is so wonderful to read your interview. I especially loved hearing how your father shared your family history with you. It is such an insight into how oral history can be passed down the generations so faithfully by Aboriginal people. I'm so glad it has lead to a descendant of one of your family, who was part of the stolen generations, to be able to find their family again. It's such an emotional story, evoking in me joy tinged with so much shame. May there be many more reunions!

We're 16 degrees from each other. The connection is your Kelly family and my mother-in-law's paternal family.
by Gillian Thomas G2G6 Pilot (278k points)
selected by Jordan Bogie

Thank you Gillian for your kind comments. Makes me smile that we are only 16 degrees from each other. smiley

Your continuing support and guidance as I navigate Wikitree is appreciated more than I can say. 

+9 votes
Congratulations Rosalie on discovering WikiTree.  Looks like our paths may unite on the Quigley line from Ireland.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
Thank you and I am looking forward to discovering more on the Quigley line.
+9 votes

C'est Bon Magnifique !!!! 

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Thank you
+8 votes
Congratulations on being this week's Member of the Week!
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (561k points)
Thank you
+8 votes

Some time ago I read an article, which was basically one person's opinion why genealogy is a frivolous, pointless pursuit. 

"My earliest memories are of my father teaching me to recite the family tree as it was given to him by his grandmother with the additions of people and events he had witnessed in his life time to date. As I got older he would tell me that one day the members of my family who had been ‘taken away’ would come looking for their family and someone had to be ready to tell them where they belonged."

That is a very powerful justification for genealogy. Rosalie, I'm very sorry that you and your family have experienced this cruelty inflicted by white people. Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations for being chosen as this week's Member of the Week.

by Living Ford G2G6 Pilot (164k points)
Thank you Leandra.
+4 votes
Nice to meet you Rosale!  WikiTree advises we're connected by 25 degrees.

If I have this right, your husband's third-great uncle's wife's great-grandfather's second wife's first husband was the great-uncle of my 5th great-grandfather's niece.  No wonder I haven't seen you at the reunion, lol!
by Laurie Giffin G2G6 Pilot (107k points)

Wow - way to bring a smile smiley

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