Help reading a 19th c German death certificate in old handwriting

+7 votes

This death certificate is for my GGG grandfather August BEER. 

From other documents we know he was born in Waltersdorf and then lived most of his life in Hamburg.

For the life of my I cannot read much of this certificate, so any help would be much appreciated! Especially any information on August's wife and parents.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Alistair McLennan G2G1 (1.1k points)
retagged by Kylie Haese
It's privacy protected, so I can only see the thumbnail

Hi Florian,

Sorry about that - new to this! I've added you to my trusted list, but does this work:

Thanks Florian - that is great - super fast, you must be very familiar with the old script. I realise now I put this document on my profile, I should have put it on August's, so I will redo it, then ask the same question again as I'm interested in the wife/parent details as well.

Thanks again, much appreciated!
I think it would be sufficient to update the question.

Do you also need translation or is Google translate sufficient?

2 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
For starters:

Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute, der
Persönlichkeit nach durch Bürgerbrief ... kannt
der Schuhmacher Franz August

wohnhaft zu Hamburg, Hiling(?)straße 39
und zeigte an, daß August Beer, früher
Schuhmacher, jetzt ohne Gewerbe,

85 Jahre 10 Monate alt lutherischer Religion
wohnhaft zu Hamburg, bei ihm,
geboren zu Waltersdorf in Siristau(????
Altenburg, verheiratet gewesen mit der zu
Hamburg verstorbenen Johanna Margaretha Henriette geborene Witting,
Sohn des verstorbenen Eheleute
Handwerkers (???) Johann Andreas
Beer und Maria Christina geborener Seliger,
zu Hamburg, in des Anzeigenden Wohnung
am drei und zwanzigsten Juni
des Jahres tausend acht hundert neunzig und vier

Nachmittags um vier ein halb Uhr

verstorben sei.

Vorgelesen, genehmigt und unterschrieben
gez. Franz Hickfang?
by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (234k points)
selected by Alistair McLennan
That is absolutely brilliant Florian - thanks!

No need for a translation - google translate is my friend!

Hi Florian, could the word after "geboren zu Waltersdorf in" be "Sachsen"?

I doubt it, since there are two higher letters, currently I would vote for an old form of Zürchau (which unfortunately also lacks two higher letters)
Maybe ask at the Thüringen section of in order to find an expert
There is also a Thuringia project around here somewhere, maybe tagging the question or generating a new one might help.

As Geschwind-33 pointed out in the follow-up question  it actually was "Sachsen-Altenburg". I forgot that the last s can also be written as "big" letter.

+9 votes
The missing words are:

- ... durch Bürgerbrief ...kannt (=anerkannt)...;

- Hickfang is correct;

- Hillingstraße (?) 39 = Lilienstraße 39;

- Waltersdorf in Siristau (???) Altenburg = Waltersdorf in Sachsen Altenburg;

- ... des verstorbenen Eheleute = ... der verstorbenen Eheleute;

- Handwerkers (???) = Landmannes (farmer)

- gez Franz Hickfang is correct.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Thanks Dieter, this is most helpful.

I can find Lilienstraße on the map and it is just around the corner from the previous address I had for August which was Alstertor, so that all fits in.

And clearing up the occupation also helps.

Thanks again, much appreciated!

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