To date I have been unable to locate any primary source or verifiable secondary source for the maiden name of Editha wife of Capt Ebenezer Moody of Hadley and South Hadley, Massachusetts. WikiTree presently has two profiles, each with an undocumented maiden name, attached to Ebenezer.
The maiden name Kellogg seems to first appear in The Crafts Family of Roxbury pub'd 1893. No docs. The Kellogg name again appears in Boston Evening Transcript 1923 but is given as "possibly Kellogg" in the context of a question seeking the parents of the wife of Ebenezer Moody.
The profile for Editha Day attached as wife gives sources that cast doubt on the surname being Kellogg and offers Barbour as showing Editha is the dau of John Day. However, no source is given by Barbour. Is this a conflation of a different Ebenezer Moody who is seen to be born in Hartford (which the subject of the profile was not) some places and then again appears in Barbour where there appears to be uncertainty about place of birth or residence. Barbour appears to give two wives for Samuel Moody, father of Ebenezer, which is not elsewhere seen. The profile of father Samuel is very confusing in mentioning Hartford but without proper context.
Any thoughts or documentation welcome.