Not sure if we are supposed to add locations of our own knowledge to what is already listed. Maybe this is meaningless but is an interesting story.
Family Interveiw: Aunt Bess age 89 was interviewed by great grand niece about grandfather James M. (1840-1916 SC) Bess said "He was a farmer and had a gin and a general store. It was about 5 Miles from Hill's Creek. Aunt Jean wrote: the old store was about five miles from Hills Creek"
Hills creek was known by early maps and ran near Big Lynches Creek where the name "Blakeney's Store" was shown in a 1790.
The Truth: Old Store Twp., settled by the Blakeney's was eventually the name of first settlement in the area. By 1900 or 1910 its name was changed to Pageland and censuses used the new one.
In our list of Locations there is only Pageland. I hope we are allowed to add new locations? I hope you enjoyed this fun untangling.