How do I take my GEDCOM file with over 6000 My Heritage family members and add them all to WikiTree

+5 votes
in WikiTree Help by Stu Brink G2G Rookie (280 points)

You should note that uploading a GEDCOM to WikiTree does not create automatically any profiles. Your task is to compare each profile in your GEDCOM to possible matching WikiTree profiles.

You can edit matching profiles (presuming no restrictions, such as privacy levels, project protection, pre-1700/pre-1500 badge requirements) to add new information (you should contact the profile's manager for any major edits; you should not add redundant information).

You can add new profiles only when you see the Add button.

You should review the following links, as well as other G2G posts, to get a better understanding of the GEDCOMpare process. My personal advice for your first uses of the system is to start extremely small - no more than a dozen profiles - so you can learn the system without being bogged down by a seemingly endless number of potentially matching profiles.

relevant Help pages and subsections:




Some excellent points, Lindy!

Since we have a global tree, it's always good to assume that at some point you'll run into profiles already created by someone else. At which point you can just connect your tree into those preexisting profiles and you're set to keep going. I'd imagine somewhere in that 6000 profiles you'd like to add, you'll find a large number of ones already in the system.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Can you split your GEDCOM at MyHeritage? The max upload here is 5000. If you can't split it at MyHeritage, you may have to find a program into which you can put your GEDCOM which will split it for you.

Most folks who work from GEDCOMs here say it's best for the GEDCOM you upload to contain 500 or fewer individuals.

If you'll click on "My WikiTree" tab at the top right of this page, you will see GEDCOMs in the drop-down menu. Follow the instructions to upload your GEDCOM. Once uploaded, you then have to go through a process called "GEDCompare" where you compare every person in your GEDCOM to potential matches which are already on WikiTree.  (This is why a smaller file is better.) Once you've either accepted or rejected every potential match for every person, then you will get the "ADD" buttons to start adding the unmatched people in your GEDCOM one at a time to WikiTree. GEDCOM-created profiles will contain some "junk" which has to be cleaned up and your sources may not be in good format, so you will have to work on cleaning that up for each profile, as well.

It's complex, but it ensures that you do not create duplicate profiles for individuals already on WikiTree.

Best wishes!
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (597k points)

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