Looks like two different men named Anthony Buras were registered for the WW1 Draft. They both lived in Venice, Plaquemines, Louisiana. They both worked as labourers for R M Murphy Co Inc. They are both white, born in the USA. They both had their cards filled in on Sept 12, 1918. They both signed with their mark X.
There were some differentiating features.
Anthony Joachim Buras was 43 years old, born 20 March 1875, whereas Anthony [unreadable] Buras was only 20, born 15 May 1898.
Although both were said to be of medium height with brown hair, Anthony Joachim, the older man, is marked as slender, with blue eyes, while the younger Anthony is stout, with gray eyes.
Anthony Joachim has unhelpfully named his next of kin as Mrs Anthony J Buras. Too bad he didn't give her real first name! The younger Anthony might not be married, since he gave the name of Mrs. Theophile Buras, who might be his mother.