Why is data doctor moving <references />

+14 votes
I questioned why the references were moved from below ==Sources== to the end of the list of references by the data
doctor and was told that is in this weeks challenge list.  Why?
The help page has not been changed.
WikiTree profile: Jane Wainwright
in The Tree House by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (592k points)
The instructions were: "There needs to be a <references /> tag directly below the == Sources == headline for the footnotes to display." Looks like someone has mis-understood.
I moved it back.  It seems one Data Doctor added the missing <references /> tag where it is supposed to be, and another - not knowing the error had been fixed, moved it thinking that was what was required.


== Biography ==

(text, if any)

== Sources ==

<references />

So long as you always remember that it goes as the above, there shouldn't be an error for anyone to fix.  (Then all you need to do is make sure there are no <ref>(text)</ref> tags AFTER the Sources/references pair (which shouldn't ever be separated).)

3 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer


The original <reference/> immediately under the Sources heading was added by a WikiTree member working on this week's challenge who is not a Data Doctor.

It was then erroneously moved by another WikiTree member working on the challenge who is not a Data Doctor.

After this post a Data Doctor moved it back to the correct position.

Not all WT members who work on challenges are badged Data Doctors.

Not everyone who follows the Data Doctors tag are badged members of the Data Doctors Project.

The easiest check to see who made changes is to look at the Changes tab, and then check the WT members' profile and the full badge list to see if they are in fact a Data Doctor.

by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
selected by Janet Clifton
+11 votes
I'm wondering if someone's moved the reference tag to the end of the data to stop "ref tag below the sources and reference tag error'? I can't recall which error that is specifically.
by Raewyn Vincent G2G6 Mach 8 (80.5k points)
In this case the DBE was for a missing <references /> tag, and a case of one person not realising that the DBE had already been corrected, so over corrected.
(I don't recall that <ref> after Sources number, either.)
Ah, I see. They could have checked the status (if someone updated it), or the latest change on the profile itself. - A good reason to document what we're doing and why.
Suggestion 868 Inline citations after tag is the Suggestion when 'ref' tags are after the 'references' line.

Unfortunately, many people just move the 'references' line down, instead of either moving the 'ref' information to the biography or removing the 'unneeded ref' from the Sources section, ie Acknowledgements section.
+7 votes

"The instructions were: "There needs to be a <references /> tag directly below the == Sources == headline for the footnotes to display." Looks like someone has mis-understood."

Yes. Language problem. "Directly below" is not the same as "immediately below".

For example my kitchen is directly below my bedroom but the kitchen ceiling is still in between them.

by Joe Farler G2G6 Pilot (156k points)

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