I'm trying to find my grandmothers birth certificate, her name is Edna L. Hall

+3 votes
Edna Lillie Hall, she was born in Arkansas.  Her birthday day is 05/25/1919...any help would be greatly appreciated.
in Genealogy Help by Krista Kerstiens G2G Crew (380 points)
retagged by David Selman
Was "Hall" her maiden name or married name? If married name we would need her maiden name.
Hall is her maiden name...her married name is Coker...

2 Answers

+5 votes

Edna Hall, United States Census, 1920

Edna Hall, United States Census, 1930

I did not find a birth record at FamilySearch.org

by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thank you...wouldn't she have needed a birth certificate to be able to file for social security?  I'm trying to get into DAR and they require  3 generations of birth certificates
Just a census record of her as a child and or a register of birth from her State.  My FIL, b 1910, used a census record , obtained from US Gov, to get his SS benefits, and my Sister b 1930, used her Register of birth from the  County in State which she was born, to get her Social security benefits. Social Security Cards were issued by your local Post Office in the beginning. No BC were required at time.
So the 1920 census lists her as black that's not her...her mother was Nettie Johnson and her father was Graham David hall... There is an Emma but she who was her grandmother and would have been much older
+2 votes

General compliance for Birth Certificates didn't begin until 1930's, registration of births began in 1914 in Arkansas.

I found her Social Security record:

U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007

Edna Lilliehall Coker
Birth Date
25 May 1919
Birth Place
Little Rock, Arkansas
Death Date
6 May 1993
Graham G Hall
Nettie Johnson
Sep 1939: Name listed as EDNA LILLIEHALL COKER; 21 May 1993: Name listed as EDNA L COKER

by Sandra Vines G2G6 Pilot (148k points)

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