"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! August 14th-16th, 2020 [closed]

+28 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Another wonderful Chat under our belts! Stay safe, everyone!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
Doug, probably enough to supplement my retirement for a year, yes?

Doug: nail on head! The last one I ordered is an 8 yd, 13oz. I ain't gonna say how much, but if you go to the shop's website you can see. 

Pip - glad you got your tooth. I have more that 20 crowns and the temporary is the worst part, then the permanent is just a slight twinge here and there...
Well, D. Armistead, Pip SAID he would get her one of those wrap-around warm and fuzzy and wooly things -- or has gotten her one -- but I figured it would be better all around if he'd just let her back in the house ... she prefers to be out there on the deck / porch (whatever it is and is named in Georgia USA)

I gather it is the Scots version of a poncho, except it isn't worn like a poncho .. more like an extremely large sized serape .. sounded like it was about the size of a single bed blanket
Carol, with the number he's bought, yes.
LOL, Susan, I do medieval/Renaissance re-creation. It's an overgarment, pleated rather like a man's great kilt, but the upper part can be pinned at the neck or shoulders like a shawl, or left hanging. I improvised one when I went to a Renaissance festival... unfortunately, I didn't do it quite right. Went into a gas station for coffee and got sympathetic looks from the cashier, who thought I was some sort of bag lady...
D, this is funny as the dickens!

It is very funny Pip so long as you ain't the one being seen as a street person ... consider the plight of the farmer with hogs who has had to muck out the pen (for whatever reason) and has donned his beggar's clothing kept just for mucky jobs, and he's gotten half-way done when suddenly he just HAS TO go to the quick stop pit stop call it what you will gas station and ... consider the plight of the clerk confronted with an unbelievably  stinky ragged animate scarecrow claiming to be human ... 

Amazing how appearances do affect our interfaces ... or face-offs 

I laughed about it afterward, but Susan's right. Hubby is not a hog farmer, but a carpenter who gets in the middle of some pretty nasty remodeling jobs and then has to go out for materials... fortunately, the local stores know him. Last week it involved having to crawl on top of some old freezers in a basement, where there was a lot of stray cat poo. (He laid down some cardboard.)
We have a gentleman here in the area who is an award-winning horse trainer and riding instructor (Spanish Riding School trained). Last time I met him in the laundromat, though, he looked like he'd postponed the laundry run just a bit too long...

40 Answers

+28 votes

Today is....



National Creamsicle Day on August 14th celebrates the creamy citrus dessert on a stick. During the height of summer, what better way to enjoy refreshment than with a creamsicle!

“Creamsicle” is the brand name of an ice cream treat.  It consists of vanilla ice cream on a Popsicle stick with an outer coating of sherbert. While many other flavors now exist, the original flavor was orange.  

Today, recipes abound with creamsicle flavors. From beverages to desserts, the flavor has long been a favorite.

An 11-year-old Frank Epperson inspired the creation when he invented the original popsicle back in 1905. After mixing up a powdered soda, he left the beverage overnight with the stirring stick in it. Temperatures dropped unusually low that night and the next morning, Epperson found the liquid frozen on the stick. He dubbed the creation the Epsicle. Sometime later, he changed the name to Popsicle.

Several generations have enjoyed the fruity, frozen treats and they continue to do so!

HOW TO OBSERVE National Creamsicle Day: 

Pick up some creamsicles and share them with some friends. Try making a creamsicle inspired recipe. We’ve provided a couple for you to make. Share your perfected recipes.

Three Ingredient Low-Fat Creamsicle Cake
Orange Creamsicle Cupcakes

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

Love reading these (and planning of sampling some)- thank you for posting them smiley

I want one of those in the picture!
Oh I loved these (in my dairy days).  If I were ever gonna cheat, it would be with one of these!  Thanks for the good memory.
Hey Dorothey of the Ruby Red Combat Boots!

How about sending me a box of cream sickles on dry ice to help cool me down in this Arizona heat wave?!
i haven't had one of these in forever. Used to be one of my favorites as a kid.
Doug, these were one of my favs when I was a kid, too! Except I liked the vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate bars even better.
Yum, they are great. Did you know that you can even buy the (not quite a) half gallon carton of vanilla ice cream/orange sherbet combined? It must be they are trying to cater to the 'grown up' version of those of us who ate creamsicles as children.
There has been an extreme deatth of yummies since February ending and here at Chat there's all these desserts being paraded ...
+26 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

How is everyone? On the genealogy front we have 52Ancestors Week 33: Troublemaker: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2020/08/52-ancestors-week-33-troublemaker.html

Pip said the blog should have been about me. *grumble* I'll get him for that! *shakes fist*

For the Ambassadors project, I designed some new logos. Well, I put text on the Wikitree logo. Not exactly a DESIGN or anything. Whatever.

I've also added a few more people to the Italians in Haverhill category. Check that out when you have time. And speaking of Italians, I made sure almost everyone in this picture has a profile: https://www.wikitree.com/photo/png/Coppola-197

The only one missing is Angela Adzarito. No idea how she fits into this picture. Everyone else is like first cousin or a little higher in that picture. How does she fit in? Hmmm....Could she just be a friend? Not sure.

I also added Caterina Coppola as a mother for the Stella sisters. With Pip's help, of course. She was the sister of my 3x great-grandfather, Paolo. I need to find their parents so that I can connect 'em up!!

On the non genealogy front, it is so hot here. The basil in the garden has become extra crispy. We need to pick them and make pesto sauce before they all get fried. Everything else is growing fine at least. I hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe out there!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (828k points)
You've been busy, Chris! I want to see the design for the Ambassadors' Project.

And, yes, I think you secretly knew that the #52Ancestors was the perfect opportunity to fess up!
Dude, the question of the week this week was about immigrant ancestors (Of which I have a ton.) I was talking about #52Ancestors. Completely different topic. =)

That's what I said! devil

I wish we had edit logs in g2g..... At least it said "Edited"
"Pay no attention to the edit behind the curtain."

Suspicious Chris is suspicious.

You should be, Chris! devil

Oh, I'm always suspicious of you, Pip!
+26 votes
A happy 6 minutes to midnight on Friday night from here in not so cool Queensland, Australia.

The Weekend is here -WOOT!!!!!

Thank you again for hosting Pip - I look forward to reading what everyone is up to :)
by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
Hi, I oopsed and replied instead of a new answer.
Rosalie, you stay up late like wee do! Getting near time for winter to be over for you.

I had to google Mennonite smiley and yes I agree that the diversity in family history keeps it interesting.

It is strange weather here right now - plants I usually see starting to flower in over a months time are already in full bloom and starting to get new leaves. The birds are all nesting... Not sure that even nature knows whats going on this year cheeky

Righto, Rosalie! When I find something rather unique in my families, I always look it up to I understand them better. No Mennonites in my families, but loads of them settled here in the US.
Ah, Rosalie, the whole YEAR has been whacked out.  Not a bit surprised that Nature is as confused as the rest of us ... we live in Historic Times ... well, Media keeps telling me that, and I keep grumbling yes, well, less Historic and more of what I was used to would be nicer
Apparently I have a Mormon on my GA grandmother's side, who went out to Utah... gotta find out some more about him.
+26 votes

I made an "aha" connection this week and discovered that at least one of my German immigrants to Pennsylvania was a Mennonite. Henry Clapper. I find the diversity of my ancestors fascinating.

by Anne B G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
That's the truth, Anne! The further back I go, the more diversity I see. Makes for interesting research.

Thank you for prompting me to find out more about Mennonite. I had never heard or saw the term before. Wikitree is a steep learning curve on lots of fronts smiley

Ah, a link to our friends in Friesland!

+25 votes
Slowly recovering from the longest and hottest heatwave in the Netherlands on record. Not a record I want to celebrate really.

Hope my brain will start functioning again after the weekend when we should have some rain again.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (335k points)
Brain fried! I know the feeling. The rain here only makes it more muggy. The sweat starts as soon as I being something outside. Here's hoping to get some relief soon, Michel.
I hope the rain comes quickly for you and the countryside.

Ja, we hebben hier verschillende hittegolven gehad. (Gelukkig heeft tot nu toe geen enkele langer geduurd dan een paar weken.) Onze huisbaas laat ons geen airconditioners in de ramen installeren, dus ik ging een paar weken geleden eindelijk kapot en kocht een van die draagbare airconditioners. (Het kostte veel zoeken. De meeste plaatsen zijn uitverkocht. Het zou waarschijnlijk gemakkelijker zijn om [en goedkoper] te vinden in februari, maar ik kon gewoon niet wachten. Ik begon te smelten.)

Hoe heeft Canada een hittegolf? Ik dacht dat heel Canada zo'n vijf kilometer van de Noordpool verwijderd was!
Something about air conditioners?

Pip, Windsor, Ontario, ligt direct ten zuiden van welke grote Amerikaanse stad?

We're just having fun with Google Translate, Carol. 

another thing I have discovered this week - the weekend chat is very educational smiley

+22 votes
Greetings from Everett, Washington!

Last night the Mukilteo Historical Society held our first general meeting over Zoom.  The board is still assessing how it went. I gave the Mukilteo Minute successfully and from what I've heard, it was the part of the program that people liked the best. It was the only part that had historical content since there was no main speaker. I also heard that the 31 participants wanted time to linger and chat with each other.  I have not received an email with a link to the video recording that was made (successfully, I hope).  I also sent out the minutes to the board immediately afterward but no acknowledgement of that either.  It was our first general meeting since February.

As the weather has gotten cooler and more cloudy, the husband has been moving boxes indoors of stuff that he wants to save.  He has been finding LOADS of family pictures and books that he wants to scan.  So much so, that he has on order a special scanner that will allow one to scan a book quickly.  He has been removing pages from magazines to scan them and this will save a lot of time.

He has not worn a kilt recently.  I also observe that his manner of dress has gotten more haphazard lately, as has mine.

I sourced two Kirk profiles yesterday and am trying to connect a daughter on the southwest Virginia frontier about 1795.  The usually reliable source doesn't mention her. She married a Snodgrass and died at a relatively young age, before 1850.  I am slowly going through my card file boxes of relatives to check whether each one has a Wikitree profile. I am not making new cards because I don't have the space. I am also working on the Nosler/Nausler/Nozler family and have gotten every single one connected. The Thompson family cards are all gone through and I am starting on Frame.

Today will involve some grocery shopping and cooking.  I pray for you all that your gardens will grow and you will be able to hug your family members soon.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (350k points)

Margaret, in any meeting, I always enjoy a presentation that business discussions. I know you did GREAT!

My wife and I had to laugh at the clothing comment. Most days, we never get out of our pajamas. (Exception: when I'm working outside!!!!) These are also good scanning clothes. laugh

Speaking of hugging, we are planning a trip to see our youngest, hoping that the elder can make it up there, too. We haven't seen them since Mom's memorial service last January 4th. sad

How did the members manage with Zoom? I'm past president of the local horticultural society. We haven't had a meeting since March. We hoped to have a Sept meeting but the church where we meet is not allowed to have community meetings yet, yes small numbers of people can go to services, but 75 + people can't use the rest of the facilities.  

Zoom has been suggested, I'm one of the young ones in the society, most members are over 70 and some don't have computers.
M, it was suggested by my husband that you could apply for a grant to purchase Chromebooks for your society members.  I don't know if they come with video cameras.  It's necessary in order to Zoom conference to have a microphone at least and a video camera if you want your face to be seen.  One person will be the host and if there are multiple speakers, the hosting of the meeting can be passed around. Previous to our meeting, we sent a tutorial to the members about using Zoom.
Thanks for the suggestion Margaret. Unfortunately here in Ontario, Canada that option does not exist
Thanks, Margaret! I had a meltdown last night and ranted on Facebook about how much I missed my crazy friends. I'm somewhat of an introvert, only child so accustomed to being self-entertaining; still, it's getting frustrating. The travel jones is strong with this one, and I was hoping to go graveyard stompin' in New England this summer (in search of the Yankee side of my family - Jaquith/Chick/Tarbox/Spaul-ding) ..dang, it'll have to wait.

I also teach ballet and tap, and a couple weeks ago had a class of 3 middle/high school kids: one live, socially distanced in the studio, one on Zoom in Wyoming, and one local on Zoom with her camera turned off so she could get a decent signal (couldn't see her and had to trust that she was getting it ok). Challenging to say the least!

While working at home my preferred garb is a ratty t-shirt and even rattier men's cargo shorts. Because pockets.
This morning out of the blue I received an email asking if David Frame [[Frame-1085]] might be an ancestor.  I have been busy today finding a lot of information to send.

The correspondent apologized if the email seemed like an intrusion.  I said it is not a problem, and that I really, really appreciate receiving emails like this.
Margaret, I know what you mean! I received an email from Texas today, a descendant of my gg-aunt whose name was... you guessed it: Margaret (Underwood McGee).
+21 votes

Hey Y'all from north Georgia!

I'm not a native north Georgian. If I were, I would greet you with "Hey You-uns!" 

I love regional dialects and I'm sad they are disappearing.

Weather - 80 F right now and not expected to climb much higher. Sort of sunny right now, but my weather app says storms are coming today. 

Personal life--more of the same. Our only excursion out of the house this week was to shop for groceries, pick up a prescription, and go through the drive-through at Chick-fil-a.

WikiTree has been mostly uneventful for me this week.  My nephew messaged me last night that he has joined WikiTree! This makes me extremely happy. He's off and running with his mother's side of the family. I expect him to have no trouble at all using WikiTree. He's already improved his dad's profile which I created by adding a new, much better profile photo.

My sister posted a meme on Facebook this morning with the following...

"Today, do things which make your soul smile."

I hope you are all able to follow that advice, today and always.

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (597k points)
Lawd, I wish we had a Chick-fil-a, Nelda! I need to write headquarters and tell them to open one here.

Good for you and your nephew for his joining WikiTree. He'll be an asset adding those additional family members.

For my soul: Listing to my new Sidewalk Prophets CDs! Great background music for WikiTreeing.

BTW: I haven't lost my accent yet and resist all efforts to soften it, prejudice against Southern accents notwithstanding. I don't realize how thick it is until I hear myself played back.
I have been around my husband with his Central Virginia accent long enough that my Central New York accent (that is a whine) has blended to have some more southern hints, and I can hear the NY accent when I visit. On the other hand, a long time ago we watched a PBS show on Appalachia, with subtitles that my husband didn't need.

"Today, do things which make your soul smile."

I like that and this is one of my favourites. 

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Kay, I listened to a YouTube video when I was driving about the way they talk in Appalachia. I had to pull over, and rewatch it with subtitles.
+19 votes

Momenteel is het 29˚ C en zonnig in Fort Erie. Dat zou de high voor vandaag moeten zijn, maar het is nog niet eens middag, dus ik vermoed dat we de voorspelde high (weer) voorbij gaan. Vanavond zou het moeten afkoelen tot 18 ° C, wat leuk zou zijn als het echt zou gebeuren. De verwachting is dat morgen ongeveer zoals vandaag zal zijn. met de mogelijkheid van wat regen laat op de dag.

Het licht van mijn leven en de verrukking van mijn ogen blijven haar gewassen verzorgen. De tomaten beginnen aan de tros te rijpen en ze zijn beslist lekkerder dan degene die we in de winkel kunnen krijgen, dus ik ben blij dat ik ze heb. (Maar misschien nemen we er wat mee naar de kerk, omdat ik maar zo veel kan eten.) De pepers komen eraan, hoewel niet in dezelfde hoeveelheid.

Op het gebied van genealogie werk ik nog steeds aan Slades en aan niet-verbonden takken, maar op maandag lanceerde ik een nieuwe "Quest for Great-Grandparents" -uitdaging, dit keer voor Nederlandse premiers. En aangezien het allemaal om Nederland ging, vond ik het redelijk om Google Translate te gebruiken om het in het Nederlands te posten. De reacties waren buitengewoon enthousiast. In slechts drie dagen sprong die uitdaging naar de vierde plaats in termen van percentage voltooid!

Dus ik heb besloten dat ik vanaf nu Google Translate voor elk G2G-bericht moet gebruiken.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (734k points)
En ik moet zeggen dat Google translate een erg goede job doet. De geneugten van de vooruitgang!
Je bent zo grappig, Greg! Ik moest Google Translate gebruiken. Het kwam duidelijk als een bel door.

Mijn vader heeft maar één tomatenplant, en het is ENORM! Vorig jaar had hij er vier en kreeg hij niets

Wacht maar tot ik 18 keer "hond" in Google Translate typ! Wie weet welke kosmische geheimen eruit kunnen komen?

Oh, het licht van mijn leven en de verrukking van mijn ogen hebben enkele tomatenplanten die nog niet hebben voortgebracht, Pip. Ik blijf ze vertellen dat ze in de organische prullenbak belanden als ze niet opknappen.

Inderdaad Greg, gewoon streng zijn. Dat zal ze leren niet te groeien!

Nou, ik weet hoe ik moet bedreigen. Ik zeg tegen de achterblijvers: "Ik heb twee woorden voor je: compostbak!"

(Behalve blijkbaar is dat maar één woord in het Nederlands.)

Ja, onze taal is some heel efficiënt gelukkig, al die nutteloze ruimte tussen woorden halen we vaak weg, wat de leesbaarheid -volgens neerlandici althans- verhoogt. Dat heeft bijvoorbeeld tot gevolg dat hottentottententententoonstelling een correct geschreven woord is, net als meervoudigepersoonlijkheidsstoornissen.

Alleen de Finnen maken nog mooiere woorden volgens mij.

Toen ik op school taalkunde volgde, zei mijn prof dat in het Duits 'kerstboomversieringsteller' één woord is.

Huh. Blijkbaar is het ook in het Nederlands.

En in het Zweeds. laugh

+19 votes
Good morning from Tucson, Arizona.  Thanks again, Pip for setting this up and reminding us that it's the Weekend!  The wildfire is completely contained, though they say there are still hot spots.  Travel to the mountain is allowed only for the benefit of keeping the restaurants and merchants in town in business.  Nothing allowed off the pavement, and some roads are still closed.  We drove up and could see a variety of damage from partially scorched trees, to complete hillsides incinerated.  I saw some parts of my hiking trails with beautiful stands of pine completely gone - maybe just a blackened snag or two left.  And yet, there was plenty of green coming in so the recovery is already starting.  Lots of monsoon storms on the mountains, but our yard in the foothills has been pretty dry.  All rain in Tucson is local - you might get it but the neighborhood just a few miles away has nothing.

Genealogy-wise I cleaned out most of the Acadian unmerged matches - it was interesting problem solving, and in the end, most were actually matches that needed something straightened out.  I recommend this as an interesting and different kind of project.  Waiting for all the unconnected people to merge to see what's left there.  So I went back to editing our PPP profiles, trying to clean those up to the best standards.  It's a good break from the Isle Saint Jean (PEI) records which I can jump back to for variety.  Nothing earth shattering, but was a satisfying week.
by Cindy Cooper G2G6 Pilot (359k points)
You've been busy, Cindy! How long did it take you to clean out all the matches? Great work! It IS satisfying, isn't it?

So sorry to hear about all the damage to the environment out your way, but glad to hear that the greening is starting already.

My brother is planning on taking a road trip out your way. He's still looking for a home in the Tuscon area (not in town, but on the outskirts). He plans on stopping at several places on the way, like an airplane museum in Texas.
Hi, Pip, I'd guess about two weeks.  We had 130 of them, some to each other, so maybe 100 unique ones?  Now I'm so tempted to go and work on the Quebec ones, but they might not appreciate all the merges that will be created, haha.  I know Jackie is dreading the next few weeks when my unconnected and then unmerged matches are going to come up for merges.  In our split of duties she handles merges - I just make them!
Oh, I forgot to add, if you brother wants to contact me about advice of areas of Tucson, I'd be happy to help!  I live in the Catalina foothills, which is unincorporated Pima County (not the city of Tucson proper).  He's smart to think that way for various reasons.  Feel free to pass on my email if you have it.  Or PM me and I'll give you email and phone.
Cindy, I'll send him a text and see what he wants to do. Appreciate the offer!
Cindy, he arrived in Phoenix yesterday afternoon. I don't know how long he is going to be there. I passed your offer on to him. He said he is going to explore the area and then fly to Mexico.
Hi Cindy,

I live in NW Tucson as well (not in the city of Tucson proper)! Perhaps when the pandemic recedes, we can meet! Are you a member of the Pima County Genealogical Society? I've lived in Tucson (on and off) since 1984. Let's chat!
Hi, Carol, how fun to have a WT-er right here.  No, I'm not a member of the Pima County Genealogical Society - should I be?  I have no ancestral connections here, dealing only with the French Acadians from 1600-1763 in Nova Scotia and thereabouts.  But it would be great to meet up with you when we can, I'd enjoy that.
Hi Cindy,

I'm originally from Wisconsin with ancestors from the UK (PGM), Irish and German on my dad's side and Cornish, Polish, Italian and German on my mum's side.

I joined the PCGS a year ago in order to take their genetic genealogy course, which was wonderful. The society holds monthly meetings and they might very well be interested in your doing a presentation on your Acadian special interest. It's all of 20/year and everything is being done by zoom right now and may continue in future. You can google them and see if you might have an interest.

Let's hope for rain to help cool things down here! I think this has been the hottest summer ever in Tucson. We're achieving temps that generally occur in Phoenix during the summer!

Take care and stay safe!
Thanks for the suggestion, Carol.  I'll check it out.
+21 votes
Good Morning Pip and All,

I guess those of us in Texas can look forward to a "happy year" as we are 100+ degrees totally clear and more to come. I have even placed a small umbrella over a plant on my front porch. It is in a very large and heavy planter and gets the afternoon sun full force. The poor plant was looking rather tired with a few crispy ends so maybe said umbrella will help a bit.

On the genealogy front: I noticed this past week that I have gone over 30,000 contributions. That was a good feeling since a large portion was sourcing, uploading media in the scan-a-thons and greeting. This week I am participating in the Data Doctors challenge correcting reference tags. I love it as I can contribute without beating my head against a proverbial wall wondering where that family was in the 1870 census - did they move or why did the census taker skip them!! After this week, I will be back to trying to fully source everyone on my watchlist.

On the isolation front - we are still at home except for absolutely necessary ventures out to the pharmacy (drive-through) and I did venture to one of my favorite grocery stores on Wednesday morning. Online school started and I figured all the Moms were home making sure their children were able to get online. I was right - hardly anyone in the store! My other trips out were the cookie deliveries to the two grandsons who began their online schooling. Life is certainly different!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay safe and well!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Ginny, I've been facing that same problem. Where were these people in the 1920 census? For one family I worked on a couple of weeks ago, it was "Where were these people in ALL the census records?"

If I go back to school (contemplating it), will I get a cookie survival package? laugh

You absolutely will - school just calls for cookie snacks!!
I was wondering how you were going to manage returning to school, building a house, packing, moving and WikiTree! Then, I remembered a year when I had one junior high child still at home, was caring for two sets of elderly parents, built a house, moved to a rental and then the new house and commuted to college two nights a week for 2 graduate classes. But, I was a bunch younger than I am now!!
Virginia, when it's very hot, we here in Tucson give our plants a second watering in the afternoon to cool them down.  The umbrella is a great idea too!
Virginia: Congratulations on the amazing work. I am truly impressed by 30,000 contributions and all that sourcing. Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you, Anne! It does sound like a lot but it has all been so much fun!!
+20 votes

Thanks for sharing your stories once again Pip!

Weather:    Nelda gave a perfect northern Georgia forecast.   All I might add,   we need some rain!   The storms are just skirting around us.   

Sweet Travel:   Last weekend I went to a family wedding in Arkansas.   Covid safe practices were used by all.   It was outdoors at my cousin Tery's  "estate", he probably has 20 beautifully landscaped acres.  No one was allowed indoors but there was a huge tent for shade and they trucked in 3  "bathrooms" that were air conditioned and each included a shower/changing area.  Attendance was limited to 50 people,  by Arkansas Covid law.  It was beyond great seeing family.

Genealogy:     My work has been a bit scattered.  Probably need to refocus on  "The Grand Plan".   But it was great talking with my cousin Iver at the wedding;  he's my one true ally in genealogy and cemeteries.   We did manage to organize an outing to Elizabeth Hall Cemetery; 5 cousins and an aunt met there and settled under the huge magnolias that have 3 and 4 benches underneath.  

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)
I would have loved to see that cemetery, Peggy. I'm the kind of guy who nearly wrecks a car for looking too long a cemeteries as I drive by.

So very glad you got to see some family!!
+20 votes

Hi everyone

Been helping in the garden this afternoon getting some potatoes dug up and planting some more for Christmas.

Then been doing more beta testing of a new chrome extension https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1083944/wikitree-reformats-gedcompare-profiles-chronological-narrative?show=1083944#q1083944.

I was an early member with a large GEDCOM which was full of Ancestry sources. I have been updating and replacing with free to access sources if available.

I am also using another extension which using user created templates allows you to easily paste a citation into a profile.

I have created a few now and the cost was so reasonable at $2 per month. It is called Online Repository Assistant  https://www.ora-extension.com/en/index.htm#/

Happy to share an example of how I have used these.

by Hilary Gadsby G2G6 Pilot (337k points)
Yes! An example! I wanna see.
The extension did that? Really cool, Hilary!
Hi Hilary,

I bought ORA, but cannot figure out how/if I downloaded it. I followed instructions (I hope), but do not see ORA at all on my monitor, or how to connect to it. Might the owner be open to questions, do you know? The features are outstanding and I really want to start using it! Sadly, I'm techno ignorant.
+18 votes
Thank God it's Friday! My week has been up and down. First I finally got my suggestion list to 0!!! On Wednesday I got one of my Ham radio DMR hotspots working and made a contact, QSO for the hams out there. so all is right on that front. I also figured out what is needed to fix one notebook computer I have been playing with. I even managed to get in a little genealogy but nothing major. Then Thursday came! Thursday night the pregnant granddaughter was rushed to the ER. She came home today but has to see her OB soon. The baby is fine. Then this morning Diane was rushed to the ER by me. She has an irregular heartbeat and now has a cardiologist appointment later this month. That means that per doctors orders she and I will not be going to the funeral we were supposed to attend this afternoon. Oh before I forget I got my new glasses this morning and they help but I still need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist to discuss possible surgery, I am not looking forward to that!
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Dale, if I had to deal with the things you do at the frequency at which you have to deal with them, I'd have to be on anti-anxiety medication! Kudos to you for handling it all.

I've never had my suggestion list to 0, so now I'm embarrassed.
Pip. My suggestion list dropping to 0 shocked me! This is the first time it has happened for me since they started that.
Dale, I hope everyone will be okay - you had some scary events all in one week!

I'm with Pip on the Suggestion list - would be nice to get that down to zero but hasn't happened for me either! Take care!
+18 votes
Buenos dias from the Old Pueblo! It's 9:30 and already 96F (35.6C) with an expected high of 108F (42.2C) today. We have had heat wave alarms for the past 4 days and are expecting more for the next 5 days! And still no rain!

I'm still busy with my application to the American Academy of Nursing and just got notified that a group paper on minority health and sleep is provisionally accepted for publication so I will need to do some edits this weekend. For a change, it's not a request to review another's paper!

I had my 2 week hearing aid check up and am amazed at how much better I can hear. Plus, when my android rings all I have to do is press a button on the hearing aid and speak! Amazing! The downside is that I don't know if it's a robo call, which are really becoming irritating!

On the genealogy front, I am now adding some information on a limited basis to my maternal (several) great grandparents who were born and died in Germany! I want to give a shout out to Jelena for all of her wonderful help with the German (and French) marriage, death, birth record interpretations. It turns out that some of my Nickels ancestors were born in Trier when it was French territory, so I am learning and reviewing a great deal of history during the time of Napoleon.

In addition, I have shout outs for Jillain Smith, Ellen Smith, Joe Cochoit and Chase Ashley for work on the Lawrence/Walton family line. This line through Lawrence descends from Charlemagne and through daughter Mary Lawrence and her spouse Thomas Walton descends to FDR. For a long-while, WT didn't have this connection due to a Walton misnomer. Since June, I've worked on clearing this up with search and source assistance from Joe and Chase and profile merging assistance from Jillaine and, in particular, Ellen, to merge 'Wallen' to the corrected 'Walton.' I will be working on this line for a while (I'm committed--not in the institutional way) because my ancestor, Mary (Lawrence) Burnham was sister to Thomas Lawrence. She was one of my first profiles to work on when I joined WT. Then it will be back to Cornwall!

I hope everyone has a safe and productive weekend! SJ! Kiss those children for me!
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

My swanee that's hot! I think I'm going to stop complaining about it being in the high 80s here (but very humid!). My brother just might change his mind when he gets out to Tuscon to look for a house.

At least it's your paper you have to work on. And congrats to you and your team for all that work on the Waltons. (da-da-da da da daaaaaaa - what I think of when I hear that name)

BTW: Why is it pronounced too' sohn and not tuss' kohn? A non-Arizonan's gotta know! laugh

Carol, I did not go with the option to connect my hearing aids to my phone but I love that I can adjust the volume on both from one side and change the programs from the other. No more adjusting one and then adjusting the other.
Hi Pipster,

The heat keeps me in the house working on WT!

I just finished making revisions to our collective paper. A few more changes to my AAN application and that will be done. Then its WT!!!

When I see Walton, I think "Good night John Boy...Good night Elizabeth..." You da-da-da (etc. makes me think of King George in Hamilton. Saw the play in Chicago in March 2019 with 6 family members (when our mum was still cogent). Had a blast! Everyone loved King George and Lafayette/Jefferson. I thought the actor who played Washington was super (gravitas and great voice). Sadly, Aaron Burr is an actual cousin on our paternal side. My dopey kid sister thought it was the guy who played Perry Mason on the telly (I kid you not!). When I started to explain the history, her pupils constricted, she said 'boring,' and went to neverland. She's 58 years old and still in love with Donny Osmond.

As to Tucson, the proper Spanish/Indigenous pronunciation is 'Took (as in ooh la la) sohn (as in lone),' but it has been gringoed into 'Too san (as in wand)'. Savvy, mate? BTW 'Savvy' is the pirate version of the spanisy 'sabe' from the verb saber (to know), but 'ya know' just wouldn't sound the same from Jack Sparrow's beautiful lips.

I like my aids for the same reason! All I have to do is press a button on one side (or the other) and I can increase or decrease the volume. When the phone rings, though, all I need do is a quit flick to the forward button on either ear and voila! Phone answered! Scary. I am new to hearing aids so don't know what the older versions were like.
Carol: Good old Donny has posted a lot for his fans during the pandemic. I appreciate his beautiful voice, his talent, his self-depreciating sense of humor, and his ability to embrace his "uncoolness". His contribution to Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" remains a classic.

"When I started to explain the history, her pupils constricted, she said 'boring,' and went to neverland." Carol, I can't tell you the number of times this has happened to me.

Hi Anne,

I will be happy to introduce you to my sister (one Donny fan to another). Her daughter was born on Donny's birthday and she believes it is 'a sign' (for what, I wonder). She has met him and several of his brothers (a stalker sister). Marie was in Phoenix doing a book signing several years ago and I stood in line for my sister and bought the signed book for her. Since I was last in line, Marie had me call Bonny and they chatted. She understands siblings very well. I admire Marie's honesty about her trials and tribulations.
+20 votes

On this day:

1880: The Cologne Cathedral is completed to the Medieval plans of the building

1947: Pakistan and India get their independence from the UK

1970: Frieda Nadig, one of the "Mothers of the (German) Basic Law", dies.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

I just got done reading the article on the Cologne Cathedral, and I'm impressed:

" It is Germany's most visited landmark, attracting an average of 20,000 people a day. At 157 m (515 ft), the cathedral is currently the tallest twin-spired church in the world, the second tallest church in Europe after Ulm Minster, and the third tallest church in the world. It is the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe and has the second-tallest spires. The towers for its two huge spires give the cathedral the largest façade of any church in the world. The choir has the largest height to width ratio, 3.6:1, of any medieval church."

That's a lot of superlatives!

Hi Jelena!

I mentioned you in my post today because you are wonderful!

I never got to Cologne (found out they pronounced it 'Koln', but I did get to Aachen! Awesome! Especially those little biscuits that Aachen is known for!  Loved the cathedral and took tons of photos, even the chair that Charlemagne sat in when he became Emperor. I'd go back in a heartbeat if it wasn't for this pandemic!   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aachen_Cathedral

I might be calling on you this week for help with another Nickels ancestor (maybe German, maybe French, maybe both!) You take care and stay safe! Umarmungen!

It is, but on the other hand (I was in there, so I am saying it out of the feeling I had there), to me it felt like being in a huge station concourse, and this was not only because the Cologne Main Station is just beside the Cathedral. It may sound disrespectful, but it was my feeling in there. The way it is built and looks from inside and outside is impressive, there is no discussion about it.
Carol, mum and I were in Aachen when all this horror with her shoulder started. We had a great day in the Cathedral and in the museum where they show all their precious stuff they have, we had a great lunch and then mum didn't see a step when she wanted to go to the restroom... The rest is (bad) history, on Monday she has her next surgery on the shoulder.
Oh, Jelena, I am so sorry to hear of this injury to your mum. And of all places, Aachen! I will send positive healing intention for your mum's surgery this next Monday!
I have a pic I will have to post, I think it is taken in front of Cologne cathedral with many of my Richards ancestors on some sort of tour bus,
+20 votes

Hi from southern Ontario;

What have I done this week? I finished sorting the last 7 shoeboxes of photos and family memorabilia that is in addition to the 4 boxes I sorted last week. I found a stunning pic of my maternal grandmother standing on a rocky beach, about 1920 maybe, she has a white dress and a white parasol, no idea who took it, they were obviously talented, it is art.

We are having a sib supper tomorrow and I will distribute 2 boxes of photos to my 6 sibs, I really don't need or have the space to keep multitudes of duplicated pics. My dad always got 4 copies of photos when he had the film processed.  

I had forgotten that one of the boxes has all the letters between my parents from the time they started dating to about 2 years after their marriage, they lived apart in the beginning as my dad was in the RAF my mum was teaching and no married quarters were available.

That same box has letters from both sets of my grandparents and my mum's brother. I'm not sure what to do with the letters.

In the early 50s there was same day mail delivery in England and many of the letters are just notes," Yes I will pick you up at the railway station at 4.15" and 'Don't forget to buy …' the same stuff we would text about now. My mum's family did not have a phone until after her father died in 1953, one letter from her brother says, 'I hope you got my telegram last night, if you didn't I need to tell you Dad died last night'.

Weather is wonderful, 25-28 C lots of sun, we finally decided we had to get away and have rented a cottage north of Parry Sound, Ontario for a week, then going east to visit family in the Ottawa valley, and visit the Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group Library.

My DH has lots of immigrant ancestors who settled there, on previous visits I took photos of all his ancestors graves, they are all well documented, now I hope we can find some more personal info.

I looked at the England Orphan trail, and will probably do it, but it will have to wait until winter. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (829k points)

I. Am. So. Envious!! My mom destroyed all the letters between her and my father. crying

I hope you have a wonderful trip, M. I know how it is when finally you just have to get away!

We are hikers and I am the photographer and trip planner. This is one of the places we are going, about 3 hours straight north. 


The Ottawa Valley has white water rafting, caves and lots of history. 

The historic Westmeath website is marvelous, it has a lot of of my husband's immigrant ancestors, if you follow this link, you find his 3x grt GP, 


And yes I added it to the Ontario Resources page

I love that you found all those letters. I have the letters between my maternal grandparents. I scanned and printed them for other family members. Then I stored each one plus the envelope in a clear acid-free page protector and placed those in a 3-ring binder. Just a thought for your letter collection - if you feel you have too many to do that, you could do the most important ones.
I think it will have to be another winter project, originally I had thought to ignore the letters that are just notes like those referred to above, but it might make an interesting time line.

None of the them are 'love letters' maybe there weren't any or maybe we just never found them.

My grandfather and his brothers served in World War I. One of my grandfather's brothers was killed in action. His letters to his mother (my great-grandmother) as well as newspaper articles about him were donated to the Nova Scotia Archives. Now, those letters and newspaper articles have been digitized and are available online through the Nova Scotia Archives website at:


Perhaps the Ontario Archives would accept a donation of some of your parents' letters during World War II.

Hi Anne

Thanks for the suggestion, it's a very nice idea, however the family lived in England, and both my parents were children during the war.

The letters are from 1950-1953, when my dad was doing his national service as a Medical Officer at an RAF base in Norfolk, England. My mum was still at university in 1950, they married in 1952, and continued to live about 250 km apart until my mum had to leave her teaching job because she was pregnant .

My family came to Canada in 1966, I was 11, the second of 6 children age 2-13.
+20 votes

Yep, Pip, the news here in Colorado is wild fires ... we could really use some of your rain.  A new fire started yesterday just West of us up on the continental divide.  First of the week one started East of Glenwood Springs and the big one by Grand Junction has been going for quite a while.  Besides the lack of rain, the big problem is the rugged terrain and access to area.  Air drops of retardant and water has been going on ... but, for the new one by us, they couldn't do the air stuff due to the high winds.  We need a monsoon!

So, congrats to my grand daughter who just made the under eleven Wyoming state soccer team!!  She and like five of her team mates ... they have a great team.  Not sure what the pandemic is going to do to their schedule but I'm just so happy for her and her team mates!  She's coming to stay with us next weekend as both parents will be working prior to the start of school ... daughter teaches middle school history and they start Monday ... kids start on Wednesday.  They're taking all sorts of steps to insure safety ... we'll see ... hope it all works.

Yep, still pluggin' along with my Jewett book!! lol

Here's a picture of the fire near us ... Cameron Pass.  This was from yesterday when it was about 500 acres.  This AM  it was at 1500 acres.  And now, Friday night, it's at 4500 acres.

by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Bob Jewett

Really sorry, Bob, to hear about those fires. I recall the beauty of Colorado from my visit there 30 years ago. What a loss. Here's hoping you get that monsoon, and soon as that!

Congrats to your grand-daughter! I know you'll be glad to have her stay for a short while. My sister and her husband work at two high schools near Atlanta, and they are not opening. They are both cafeteria managers, so they only have to take orders for food and have them ready for pick up. A neighboring district opened for about a week and then closed back down due to virus exposures. I hope your daughter's system has a lot of safety procedures in place. 

I don't think you'll ever get through the Jewett book! Keep plugging away, Bob, and keep us posted on your progress.

What for dinner? cheeky

lol ... dinner tonight is pretty simple ... just fried chicken with some dressing and chicken gravy.  Will do either a simple salad or some capresse.  Oh, and a bottle of Italian Pinot Grigio, of course!
Sad about the fires. It sure is rugged country. My aunt lived in Norwood (about an hour from Montrose, just don't turn toward Telluride) and always said you could tell if you would have water in the winter if there was snow on the Lone Cone in August.
Bob, our go-to wine is a very fine (and cheap) Malbec from Argentina, brand name: Quora. Excellent; goes with just about everything.

Last night: Chicken breast with all the vegetable leftovers in the fridge in a cream and cheese sauce.
+20 votes
As usual, a busy week. The garden has started producing so we've started drying tomatoes and have started getting enough that they need processing soon. Remember how early on flour and yeast were in short supply? Now it is canning supplies. There has been a big run on them so getting lids is a problem. Jars are also running out. Where list price for 12 lids used to be about $3, there are places trying to sell them for $13-$15 for 12. One place wanted more than $30 for 12 lids. Today will be the peach/ginger/lime preserves day.

Genealogically it was a mixed bag. Mostly working on profiles for Projects rather than my own family. Still, it's good for WT.

On other fronts, I've started volunteering a day a week in the kitchen of a local food bank at a community resources center. They serve meals to anyone that needs one on weekdays. My wife has been volunteering there for a long time. Also, I plan to start taking classes in landscape design (for fun) at one of the local community colleges. That will be one morning and one evening from next week into December. Still need to get through registration which requires talking to an advisor first.

We are now well into wildfire season and the air has a lot of smoke in it. Both major fires are still growing. We aren't anywhere near it but know people in those areas.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (561k points)
Not surprised to hear about canning supplies. I was able to get lids for $3 and lids/rings for about $6. I had my husband get some quart jars from the boxes in the attic.
That seems expensive. I hope that is for a package, our prices are $4-5 for a package of 12 lids and ring sets.

Don't know if this helps, when I was a child early 1960s living in England, there were no special jars, lids and rings. You could buy circles of I think the right term would be parchment paper, with heavy duty 'rubber bands' translates to elastics, and some sort of strong 'Saran' type cling film wrap.

The jam or whatever went into the jars, then was topped with the paper circles, then the wrap, then the elastic to keep the wrap in place, my sibs used to fight over whom got to break the wrap on a new jar of jam, because it made a loud pop.

I still use cling film over the tops of my jars and then put the lid and ring on, especially useful if your rings and lids are not in perfect condition. Everyone is still living so it must be sterile enough.
Back to school for Doug! Good for you. I probably need to take the same class! I know I'll plan better than I did for this place.

Tomatoes: Good for you. Hope you have a bumper crop. My parents had only four plants last year and got nothing from them. Dad put only one out this year, and it's weighed down.
It is expensive. 4 months ago it was less than $3 for 12 lids. Now, due to so many people being at home and doing canning for the first time, there is a shortage and prices have gone way up. There are even people selling off-brands but claiming they are Ball.
My mother taught me to put a thin coating layer of paraffin on top of hot jams and jellies and to make sure it bonded to the side of the top edge or shoulder of the container.  Supposedly
the sugar content was a protection as long as it was air tight.
There was very little spoilage if they were kept cool and dry.
Beulah, this was exactly how my mom and grandmom did their jellies and jams.
My cost was per dozen.

If you look on the top shelf of my canning supplies cabinet, you'll find a box of Paraffin Wax and the old egg poacher pan bottom that my mother melted it in. I've never used it, am just a pack rat.

My grandmother's did jams/jellies that way as well. It works with the combination of some acid with the high sugar content. The real problem is that parafin doesn't work for non-jam/jellies. Even there the current guidance is to not trust it. We usually put up a dozen or so jars each of tomato sauce, vegetable soups, peach slices, apple and pear sauces, and pickles of various kinds.  We also freeze a lot but there is only so much room in a freezer. To make matters worse, our second refrigerator just died. The one we use for the excess produce before we can process it. We just replaced the kitchen one a couple months ago so we will need to go out today to look at a new one.

+20 votes

Hello from Raton, New Mexico! It's been in the high 90s, but this weekend it's supposed to cool down with thunderstorms in the afternoon! Bring on the rain!

Mom and I worked together on a couple of recipes today:

  • Peruvian Roast Chicken w/Coriander Sauce
  • Spicy Broccoli w/Sriracha Mayonaisse

All the sauces were homemade and oh so yummy! Had to keep mom away from the Medjool dates! laugh (they go in the Siracha sauce)

The chicken turned out soooo good! I mean it is fantabulous! We had to use Hatch chiles instead of jalapeños because mom is allergic and let me tell you it was delicious. Did I say it was good?

I've been really excited to start helping to lead the Ambassadors team. 

Haven't had a chance to work on my own genealogy or some of my other projects, but I plan on scheduling out a part of a day for each of the non-functional projects so they start getting a little more love.

Finally participated in the Weekend Chat again, Pip! Thanks so much for being the host!

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (715k points)
The chicken sounds pretty awesome. I'm intrigued by the broccoli with sriracha mayo.
Azure! I want your recipe for spicy broccoli and Sriracha mayo!

Glad to see the Ambassadors Project taking off. This is a great way to get us out there. Good for you, Azure.

Here it is! (from the book Fat for Fuel Ketogenic Cookbook by Dr Joseph Mercola and Pete Evans)

Peruvian Roast Chicken w/Coriander Sauce

  • 3 T good quality animal fat, melted or coconut oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 3 t paprika
  • 1 T cumin
  • 1 T honey
  • juice of 2 limes
  • 1 1/2 t sea salt
  • 1 t fresh ground pepper
  • 1 4-lb whole chicken
  • 2 garlic bulbs, cut in half horizontally
  • 4 French shallots
  • 4 jalapeño chilies, cut in half lengthwise (substitute with anahiem or hatch) 
  • 1 cup chicken bone broth

Combine the oil, chopped garlic, paprika, cumin, honey, lime juice, salt, and pepper in a large bowl and mix well. Add the chicken and rub in the marinade to evenly coat. Cover and marinate in the fridge for at least 6 hours or, for better results, overnight

Preheat oven to 400 F

Transfer chicken and marinade to large casserole dish. Tie the legs together with kitchen string. Scatter garlic bulbs, shallots, and peppers around the chicken, and pour in broth.

Roast, basting occasionally with the juices in the dish, for 30 minutes, until the chicken is golden. Reduce temperature to 350 F, cover with foil, continue to cook, basting occasionally, for 45 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through.

Remove from oven, allow chicken to rest, covered with foil for 15 minutes.

Coriander Sauce

  • 1 jalapeño chili, seeded and roughly chopped (we substituted this with chili powder)
  • 1 large handful coriander leaves, roughly chopped (had to substitute this with dried coriander leaves)
  • 3 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 5 oz mayonaisse
  • 1 T lime juice
  • 2 T extra-virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Combine all ingredients, blend until smooth

Copy, paste, print, hole punch, cookbook! Thanks, Azure!

Sauteed Broccoli w/Spicy Mayonnaise

  • 2 heads broccoli, broken into florets
  • 2 T good-quality animal fat or coconut oil
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 long red chilies, seeded and thinly sliced
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 T extra-virgin olive oil
  • Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, to serve (optional)

Blanch the broccoli in boiling salted water until tender, then immediately plunge into ice-water bath to stop the cooking process. When the broccoli is completely cold, drain well and set aside.

Heat the oil/fat in a wok or large frying pan over med-high heat. Add the garlic and chilies in the pan, and cook for 30 seconds, until fragrant. Add the broccoli and sauté, tossing occasionally, for 5 minutes, until it starts to color. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle over the olive oil.

If you like, squeeze a little lemon juice or pour a splash of apple cider vinegar over the dish. Serve with spicy mayonnaise on the side or drizzle over the broccoli.

Sriracha Chili Sauce

  • 1 1/2 lb long red chilis, seeded and roughly chopped
  • 8 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 4 T apple cider vinegar
  • 3 T tomato paste
  • 1 large medjool date, pitted
  • 2 T fish sauce
  • 1/2 t sea salt

Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Bring the mixture to a boil (stirring occasionally), then reduce heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes (stirring occasionally), until the sauce is vibrant red. Remove from heat and cool. Transfer to airtight glass jar and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks. 

For spicy mayonnaise: add 1 T sriracha chili sauce to 1/2 cup mayonnaise and blend

This morning, I made these yummy **** Chocolate Coconut Bites! Making me think of my 2nd g-grand uncle, George Webster Robinson (1858-1929) who was a confectioner. He migrated from Missouri to Texas.

  • 3 T raw cacao powder, sifted
  • 1 T carob powder
  • 2/3 cup cacao butter, chopped
  • 2 T coconut oil
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp liquid stevia
  • 3 T coconut milk
  • small pinch of sea salt
  • 3 1/2 oz coconut flakes

Combine cacao powder, carob powder, cacao butter, coconut oil, vanilla, and stevia in a heatproof bowl and place over a saucepan of simmering water. Make sure the bowl doesn't touch the water or it will over heat. Stir with a metal spoon until smooth and the butters are just melted. Remove from heat and stir in the coconut milk. Allow to cool to lukewarm, then stir in the salt and coconut flakes. Spoon the mixture into silicone molds. Place in refrigerator for 1 hour, until firm. 

After they are firm, remove from mold and place in airtight container to store in refrigerator.

That siracha chicken sounds so good. But, it'd probably give me killer agita. WORTH IT!!!

The coconut stuff sounds better. Would try that!

Now my turn. You guys like tomato salad right? Sure you do.
All you need are:

* Sliced tomatoes
* Garlic and basil
* Olive oil

And that's it. Cut the tomatoes, pour olive oil atop of them, sprinkle the garlic and basil and you are done.

My cross country coach LOVED them. And so did the team!
+18 votes
Hot? Is it hot? I don't know, have been inside working on my project.
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (634k points)
Cool this morning here, Kay, but that's only because of all the rain we are getting. Expecting another big pop-up with thunder starting at noon. Another good day for WikiTreeing!

I worked 30 minutes outside yesterday and the sweat was pouring!

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