Hi from southern Ontario;
What have I done this week? I finished sorting the last 7 shoeboxes of photos and family memorabilia that is in addition to the 4 boxes I sorted last week. I found a stunning pic of my maternal grandmother standing on a rocky beach, about 1920 maybe, she has a white dress and a white parasol, no idea who took it, they were obviously talented, it is art.
We are having a sib supper tomorrow and I will distribute 2 boxes of photos to my 6 sibs, I really don't need or have the space to keep multitudes of duplicated pics. My dad always got 4 copies of photos when he had the film processed.
I had forgotten that one of the boxes has all the letters between my parents from the time they started dating to about 2 years after their marriage, they lived apart in the beginning as my dad was in the RAF my mum was teaching and no married quarters were available.
That same box has letters from both sets of my grandparents and my mum's brother. I'm not sure what to do with the letters.
In the early 50s there was same day mail delivery in England and many of the letters are just notes," Yes I will pick you up at the railway station at 4.15" and 'Don't forget to buy …' the same stuff we would text about now. My mum's family did not have a phone until after her father died in 1953, one letter from her brother says, 'I hope you got my telegram last night, if you didn't I need to tell you Dad died last night'.
Weather is wonderful, 25-28 C lots of sun, we finally decided we had to get away and have rented a cottage north of Parry Sound, Ontario for a week, then going east to visit family in the Ottawa valley, and visit the Upper Ottawa Valley Genealogical Group Library.
My DH has lots of immigrant ancestors who settled there, on previous visits I took photos of all his ancestors graves, they are all well documented, now I hope we can find some more personal info.
I looked at the England Orphan trail, and will probably do it, but it will have to wait until winter.