Can we have an "On the Lighter Side" version of Data Doctor corrections?

+17 votes

I enjoy my Data Doctor task, especially when I come across situations that make me laugh. I especially think that in these days and times we can all use some more laughter! You could submit the funny error, typo, misspelling, whatever to the Tree House and maybe have someone pick a few and publish them in the News. I have made my share of these mistakes so I run the risk of appearing frequently. The intent would not be to point out any one person or profile.

My submission for this week would be "Miss Alexa was creamed at XYZ Funeral Home". Must be a new burial method! Even the most hard core genealogist among us would have to smile!

Give it some thought Alex!

in Appreciation by Ron Floyd G2G6 Mach 5 (55.7k points)

Um, Ron? JUST SAYING that there is an approved new method of dealing with corpses by dissolving them ... there are YouTube films on it also ...  These Funeral Directors Are Dissolving Bodies in Water to Help Save the Earth - YouTube and others ... gah !!  


One of my own most common typos is missing a clear hit on the letter "n" in know, or known -- and as I type "known children" rather a lot, it makes  me look to be sure I am not saying "kown children".  cheeky

In that vein, I have seen Unsauced as a typo for Unsourced...
I'm sure some of you have seen the presentation that is given at many Lineage Society meetings (like DAR.)  The guest speaker talks in the first person about her frustrating research trials and tribulations of trying to follow her Unk familly - how she thinks it's such an unusual last name and can't seem to get a handle on its origin. Once you "catch on" it just gets funnier and funnier.  I haven't seen it presented in several years  - wish I had recorded the whole thing.

4 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
I agree with Ron - one of my fellow Floyds - might be fun, and certainly humor is totally missing from our lives at the moment.  He managed to relate an incident without revealing anything about whose profile or which contributor was involved....just a funny geni moment he ran across.   Like a version from the old series "Dragnet"....the names can be changed to protect the innocent!!!
by Robyn Adair G2G6 Mach 1 (19.8k points)
selected by Ron Floyd
+15 votes
I think a thread designed to make fun of people’s work would go south very fast.
by Joelle Colville-Hanson G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
Well, that kind of offends me! I love it here in the South! ROTFL!
Even though I am a fan of most things "Lighter Side"....I have to agree with Joelle. Not everyone would be able to appreciate being the recipient of this type of 'recognition'.  I can foresee posts of this nature spiraling downward and being completely contrary to the new G2G trial rules.

Let those among us who are the ones to cast the first stones.....
+13 votes

Not on Wikitree, but my favorite genealogical "oops" of all time: in a biography of King Henry V of England, the family tree chart at the back inadvertently had King Henry married to both Katherine of France and Owen Tudor. Must've been one hell of a wedding night!

by Jessica Key G2G6 Pilot (328k points)
+15 votes
If you use Twitter, follow @wtfgenealogy.  Lots of great stuff like this.
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (542k points)
OMG I didn't know that account.. some hilarious stuff on there! GG

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