I am in the process of cleaning an extensive Gedcom that contains many errors, mostly sorted, but now hitting a wall with the spouse of John Dobson, namely Ellis Skelton.
The later children birth registrations record the mothers surname as Skelton, the same children being baptised with parents John Dobson & Ellis.
Ellis is said to be daughter of Matthew Skelton of Sinnington. ( Matthew's profile suggests he died in 1803, but he seems to be alive & kicking in 1851 Census). Census records suggests Ellis she was born in Sinnington, around 1804.
I have not found any trace of a marriage to John Dobson, neither in 1826 or anytime between 1816 & 1834 to an Ellis Skelton or Mary Jenkinson of Rotherham!
I am aware of an Ellis Skelton, baptised 1800 Slingsby Yorkshire, however this Ellis can be traced through her marriage in 1825 to James Percy and her subsequent death in 1864.
I turn to daughter Hannah, allegedly born in 1833 who died in 1834. Was there such a child? There was another Hannah born around 1834 who was living with her sister Eliza & niece Annie Coates (born Falsgrave, 1865/66) in Thornton Dale, 1871 & 1881. (profile has this second Hannah death in 1870). Sister Ann Dobson born 1862 who died 1870. Biologically most unlikely, not withstanding there is no BMD death that would tie in with the 1870 date. I believe this Ann is the niece, Ann Coates, whose mother's maiden name was Cass
Thank you in anticipation