Not so sure, it won't affect WT since DNA test results are posted and sooner or later if not already someone or more than one will have a trace of this DNA --
HOWEVER biology aside especially the medical side, you are likely correct ... it probably won't affect the paper chain of profiles and proofs we want to find ..
I don't see how a dab of neanderthal DNA could derail a lineage -- but maybe I lack imagination ?
"The proportion of Neanderthal-inherited genetic material is about 1 to 4 percent [later refined to 1.5 to 2.1 percent] and is found in all non-African populations. It is suggested that 20 percent of Neanderthal DNA survived in modern humans, notably expressed in the skin, hair and diseases of modern people.
That's from wikipedia, "neanderthal genetics"
AND ... Modern Humans May Have More Neanderthal DNA Than Previously Thought | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine