Why are country of birth not used? Make it much simpler

+1 vote
Why can’t we reduce the search to a country?
in Genealogy Help by Living Duke G2G Rookie (160 points)

1 Answer

+3 votes
Are you asking about when you search for a person?  If so, you can enter the name information, start the search, then scroll to the bottom of the results and you will find fields that can be filled in to filter the results, including a birth and death location.  My caution about using the locations and the dates is that there are plenty of profiles that have either nothing in those fields and incorrect information, which will cause you to not see those profiles. If you enter a location that has been spelled differently, such as a US State abbreviation vs the complete state name, you will also not see the expected profiles, depending on what has been entered on a profile, and of course, that doesn't count the 'colony' type names for US areas before US was valid.

When I initially get the search results, I sort it by Birth Date, since I normally have an approximate Birth Date. That helps to scroll down to find the profiles that might be a match.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (829k points)

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