Another pilot today! 100,000+ G2G points - Congratulations to Chris Burrow, and thank you from all of us!

+25 votes

Someone call the flight tower, a new pilot has earned his wings!

Congratulations Chris, 100,000 + points, AMAZING!! 

Chris and members like him make us look good on a daily basis; keeping WikiTree a friendly and respectable genealogy site for all. Our good reputation is built by Chris and people like him.

Thank you Chris for all your contributions to WikiTree! In addition to Chris' 100,000+ G2G points, he is also a past Connect-a-Thon participant & challenge winner, a Scan-a-Thon challenge participant & winner, and a past Source-a-Thon participant.  Chris is a Wikitree veteran having joined over 5 1/2 years ago!  Since then he has made over 6,000 Wikitree contributions!

On behalf of us all, the G2G Integrators extends a huge thank-you and a big pat on the back to Chris Burrow!

Thank you so much for all you do, we really appreciate it!

WikiTree profile: Chris Burrow
in Appreciation by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Congratulations, Chris, on earning your wings! And thank you for all you do for all of us.

Thanks as always, SJ on behalf of the Integrators, for sharing this with us.

8 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
Congratulations, Chris, on reaching 100,000+ G2G Points!

Thank you, G2G Integrators and SJ for recognizing Chris's accomplishments.
by David Selman G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+20 votes


SJ, thanks for sharing this news!

by Rubén Hernández G2G6 Pilot (850k points)
+18 votes
Chris: Congratulations on reaching this milestone. You have contributed a lot to WikiTree.

SJ: Thank you for your kindness and support for others.
by A. Creighton G2G6 Pilot (947k points)
+16 votes
Congratulations on this milestone, but aim even higher.
by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
+16 votes

Congratulations, Chris, on earning your wings! 100,000 + g2g points is nothing to sneeze at. 


It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. I know, I have been there.

Congratulations also on your Wonderful Wiki. I know you are going somewhere!

by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.9m points)
+15 votes
Awesome!  Congrats Chris on reaching 100,000 g2g points! Thanks for all you do.
by Rhonda Zimmerman G2G6 Pilot (235k points)
+14 votes
Congrats Chris, it's always nice to see your posts in the Chat.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
+16 votes
Congratulations Chris what a great achievement

Thank you SJ for sharing this
by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)

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