How do I change the time offset for my profile?

+2 votes

From what I understand (very limited), I have to create a personal profile first e.g., [[Category:Scott-39411]].  I went to my profile edit page, clicked on the categorize button and a little blank box popped up. I entered [[Category:Scott-39411]] and saved the changes. I then went to Edit text and at the top of the page typed in [[Category:Scott-39411]] and saved it. The message "Category problems were found. You can add a category by clicking the category button category button, entering text, and selecting the category name.

Category "Scott-39411" does not exist."  

I went to the page and looked under the S list and Scott-39411 was not on the list.  I'm at a loss here.  All I really wan't to do is change the time zone associated with me.

Update: Fixed the time zone thing. Still am curious about the creation of a category for a personal profile?

WikiTree profile: George B Scott
in WikiTree Help by George B Scott G2G1 (1.0k points)
edited by George B Scott

Would recommend you try again for the personal category, with close attention to the step by step method ... I know it took ME 5x to "get it right" ... 

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (686k points)
selected by George B Scott
+4 votes
How to create a personal category:

1.  Type [[Category:Scott-39411]] on the Edit tab on your own profile in the biography box

2.  Go to either the Private View or the Public view of your profile

3. [[Category:Scott-39411]] will be red

4. Click on it.  It will take you to a box on a new page.

5. Type [[Category:Personal Categories]] and Save.

by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)

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