3 men named Christopher Youngs in 1695 Southold, NY

+2 votes

Seems there were 3 people named Christopher Youngs In early 1695 Southhold: Christopher Yonge-44, Senior (Mary Budd’s husband), Christopher (Mary Budd’s son), and Christopher son of Reverend John.

 When Christopher-44 Senior died in 1695 the son of Reverend John became the new Christopher, senior. That is why when he died in 1698 he was called Christopher youngs, senior. The Christopher Youngs who d. 1695 married (1st Anna Niccols, ) 2nd Mary Budd. He was father of Benjamin, Christopher and John (1698 census), and the son-in-law of the John Budd Who died in 1684. 

1695 *12 August 1695 Whereas my Hon father, Lt. John Budd Of S'hold, County of Suffolk, deceased, did in his lifetime by his last will dated 27 Octo 1684 give and grant unto his daughter Mary, then ye wife of Christopher Youngs half ye lands and meadows belonging to him in Ockabock divisions within ye precints of Southold. Know all persons to whome these presents may concerne that I John Budd, the son of Lt. John Budd do by these presents give grant and confirm unto my sister Mary Youngs ye widow and ralique of Christopher Youngs deceased, all that part of land and meadows in Ockebauk divisions givien to her by my Hon'd father in his last will unto her ye said Mary Youngs, and her to (sic) sons Christopher Youngs & John Youngs their heirs and assigns forever. Wit. my hand and seal this 12th day of Aug. 1695. John Budd (Seal). This signer, John Budd, was born in 1658. Wits: Mark Hannah HY Youngs Stephen Bayley Acknowledged Dec. 2d 1703 before me Entered March ye 2d 1712/13 Thomas Youngs, Justice pr Benj. Youngs Town Clerk 

Benjamin Youngs 1668-1742 was the son of this Christopher 1643-1695 and his first wife Anna Niccols, daughter of Francis Nichols of Stratford.  His stepmother was Mary (Budd) Youngs. 

On 31 August 1697 in a land description " North by Benjamin Youngs, Junr formerly in possession of his father Christopher Yongs deceased two acres"

*Selah Youngs did not have benefit of a computer, the Internet and all the available records. I just happened to come across the Christopher Yonge records in Salem, And Wenham, Mass. which answer a lot of questions.  Selah Youngs claimed that this line died out.

Christopher  Yonge-44

WikiTree profile: Christopher Youngs
in Genealogy Help by Anne X G2G6 Mach 3 (37.6k points)
edited by Anne X

I'll trade you for one Ephraim Sands:

Four different Ephraim Sands

There were four different Ephraim Sands living in Buxton, Maine in the 1700s. They were referred to as Sr, Jr, 3rd, and 4th based on their birth year.

1720: Ephraim Sands born 25 Jan 1720 in Ipswich, Massachusetts was known as Sr.[17]
1743??: Ephraim Sands, son of Ephraim Sr, born 1754 was known as Jr. [18] [19]
1767: Ephraim Sands, son of Samuel, grandson of Ephraim Sr, born 17 Nov 1767 was known as the third. Some records may refer to him as “tertius”. [20] [21] [22] Note that his son, b. 14 Aug 1813 was known as Ephraim Sands Jr.
1782: Ephraim Sands, son of Ephraim Jr, grandson of Ephraim Sr, born 30 May 1782 was known as the fourth. [23] [24]
Bet you like sudoku, too!  In the space of 62 years there were  4 Ephraim Sands!   And to think that one of my own grandfathers was born in 1864!

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