Would You Like to be An Adoption Angel? Join the Adoption Angels Project! /5 [closed]

+26 votes

WikiTree Adoption Angels are volunteers who have taken on the mission of helping adoptees, people with unknown parents, and birth families look for and connect with each other. 

We have 2 types of Angels:

  • Mentor Angels who greet all applicants and help them get all the basics of their search figured out before a Family Finder works with them. They also help with WT profile set up.
  • Family Finder Angels who work beside the applicant to help them find their family. They use documents and DNA to search. An understanding of how to use DNA in this work is required.

If you would like to help adoptees, have signed our Honor Code and have been an active member of WikiTree for at least 3 months, click on "ANSWER"  to post below and we'll get you going!

We especially need Angels from around the world who understand how to use DNA in the process of finding birth family.

closed with the note: See new post: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1565996/would-you-like-search-angel-join-the-adoption-angels-project
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
closed by Emma MacBeath
As an adult adoptee, I understand and have complete empathy for those seeking to find their true biological roots & family line.  It’s a very long and tedious journey , there is a lot of red tape and many doors that will not open. I have several years of expertise in this area, understand several state legislature laws on Adult Adoptees wanting to obtain their “REAL” not amended birth certificate, DNA, I have extensive knowledge in  both Japanese and Hawaiian genealogy-War Relocation Camp WWll-National Archives and Alien Case files, Military Records,Mennonite Pennsylvania German Dutch Roots and history, PALENTINE immigration, SAR/DAR ancestry and I’m willing to help, let me payback to the community, it would be my pleasure. Thank you.

63 Answers

+16 votes
I have a shared DNA match, on My Heritage who was adopted. I have done some research for him, & have narrowed down the ancestors. Is there an available angel, to assist me??

Thanks ....Bob
by Robert Ireson Jones G2G Crew (740 points)

Hi Bob. We can't work with you on someone else's behalf unless we get their permission or they complete the application themselves. If you believe they will give permission, you can go ahead and fill out the application (first item under the Help tab at the top of this screen). But the short answer is, yes we can help.smiley

+14 votes

I am not sure if I am posting in the right place, but I am looking for help to find my great grandfather. (my father's maternal grandfather)  Until I did a DNA test I thought I knew who he was, but the test disproved this because I have no match with children of his second wife who he married after my great Grandmother died (I match with her children)

I Know https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hall-13551  my Gt. Grandmother married

2 years after my grandmother was born but she and all the family thought he was her birth father. I am looking for the birth father of https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hall-13679

Can anyone help me find him please?

I still have Reeves-2005 as her father on the tree but have marked him non biological.

Any help or suggestions as to how to go about this would be much appreciated.


by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
Hi Christine, if you have a DNA test, Adoption Angels can help you, but we need you to fill out an application.  If you can go to the Help Tab at the top of the WikiTree screen, the application is the first item.,"Adoption Angels."
Thank you Emma, I'll fill out the form
+18 votes
I will happily help out!
by Robin Compton G2G1 (1.3k points)
+15 votes
Hi I have a shared DNA match for a family member (permission given), known mother unknown father. Is there an available angel to assist me??
by Jacqualine Shirley G2G1 (1.3k points)
Hi Jacqualine, we can help you, but we need you to fill out an application. You can find it under the help tab at the top of the WikiTree page. It's the first item, "Adoption Angels"
+16 votes
I'd like to help with being a Family Finder Angel. I don't know much about the adoption process itself, but I've helped a couple of NPEs find their birth fathers with DNA. I'm happy to help if you need people!
by Jayme Arrington G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
Hi Jayme. Yay! We would love to have you. The process for finding birth parents is essentially the same regardless of the situation, it's just we often have a few more tools in our toolbelt if the person is adopted. I"m sending you a PM with more information. Emma :-)
I'd love to help! I feel bad that I can't seem to get your emails. Let me know if you can think of an alternative. :) I love what you guys are doing for adoptees and NPEs.
Oh my gosh, Jayme, you didn't get my direct response to your email either? What is going on?? So weird. Let me send you a message directly right now. Check your spam folder just in case.
I figured out the problem! Sent you a reply. :)
Yes! I need those tools.  I "answered" on another post so hopefully those tools are on their way.
+16 votes
Hello. :) Can you tell me more about the Mentor Angels? You can PM me if you want.
by Greta Moody G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
Sending you a PM, Greta. Thanks!
+18 votes
I'd be happy to help. I have access to many resources and I've used those to solve "mysteries" for others.
by Maureen Leahy G2G Crew (900 points)
Hi Maureen, I sent you a private message with more information. Thanks! Emma
Hi Maureen, I'm checking back with you. I know we were having trouble connecting. Please send me a private message if you are still interested. Thanks! Emma
I’m still interested
+15 votes
I can help as a Family Finder.
by Teddy Odum G2G6 (7.9k points)
fabulous, Teddy! I'm sending you a private message right now with more information. Emma
+14 votes
I've been volunteering as a search angel for a couple years now ever since a mystery cousin showed up on my wife's DNA matches.  I've located a couple dozen birth families both from my own relatives and from unrelated individuals based on genetic genealogy, additional research and tree building.  Do you still need more volunteers?
by Robert Servis G2G Crew (630 points)
Hi, Robert, we can always use more help! I'll send you a message with more information about the project.
+15 votes
I'm interested helping with the Adoption Angel project.  I've been doing genealogical research for 25 years and DNA research for the past 6 years.
by Gary Elder G2G Crew (650 points)
Hi Gary, Thank you for volunteering. I"m sending you a private message now with more information. Emma
+14 votes
I have experience finding birth families. I would love to help out as a Family Finder Angel.
by T J G2G3 (3.9k points)
Hi T, thank you for volunteering. I've sent you a private message. Emma
+16 votes

I'd be happy to help with research. I have access to many resources and I've helped several others find their family history, including persons who were adopted. 

by Barb Beauregard G2G1 (2.0k points)
+14 votes
I would  love to help by becoming a family finder angel.  I have over thirty years of genealogy experience. I also have a strong DNA knowledge and have experience with adoption research.
by Barb Beauregard G2G1 (2.0k points)
I just sent you a private message with more information, Bab. Thanks! Emma
+12 votes
Emma, as an adoptee I would like to help out if I can. –Patty
by Patty LaPlante G2G6 Pilot (192k points)
Thanks, Patty! I just sent you a message with more info.
+15 votes
I would like to join.

I found my entire paternal family. Maybe I could be of some service
by Lauren Ward G2G6 (9.6k points)
Hi Lauren. I just sent you a message with more information about the project. Thanks!
+14 votes
I would like to join this project. I was adopted and have utilized/collaborated with numerous agencies/groups/ individuals. I know the ups and downs of trying to locate biological family members. Perseverance and determination is required. I have lived this. I have located my biological family (Paternal and Maternal) and the journey was filled with many walls that had to be broken down.
by Joel MacDonald G2G4 (4.1k points)
+13 votes
Follow-up: I would like to join this project. I have found my own biological family, as I was adopted. I feel I can help others and help get answers.
by Joel MacDonald G2G4 (4.1k points)
Thank you for volunteering, Joel! I'll send you a message on Saturday with more information. That's the day I do my weekly Adoption Angels updates. Emma
+11 votes

I have several Adoptees in family. I added stuff to this one only proof I have he’s adopted is 1880 census which I have added for project review. Not sure if you want to reword any this on profile but it all I have. His brother was also adopted. I was told in family maybe the biological parents were in family but no one has confirmed this. The family surnames do appear. Maybe the adoption group can find more. 



by Billie Keaffaber G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)
+14 votes
I would love to help other adoptees or natural family members here on Wikitree build their biological family trees and/or aid in their searches. I found my original parents in 1987 before DNA tests or the internet.  

I have been assisting other adoptees and/or natural family members and at times, law enforcement agencies for over 20 years- using DNA, trees, or what I like to call "adoptee super-sleuthing skills".

 I have worked with state legislators to unseal the original birth certificates of adoptees as a former board member of The Adoptee Rights Coalition and as a member of Bastard Nation. ;)
by L Niehaus G2G1 (1.0k points)
Hello L, I apologize you never received a reply. I'm not sure what happened, but am sending you a message now.
+13 votes
I would love to help people find their families. I have helped several people find family already and understand the dynamics coming from both sides. I am an adoptee, and have found family that was adopted, so I have been on both sides.

Its very rewarding knowing that people have answers and have found that missing piece.
by Elizabeth Godon-McKibbon G2G6 Mach 1 (12.2k points)
Hi Elizabeth, I"m sending you a message about the project.

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