Lost & Found - is there a place people can send photo albums they find?

+4 votes
Over the last decade I've been lucky enough to come across a few family scrapbooks and reunite them with their families, and in some cases had things fall into my lap (like a box left behind my car) with family note books from 1890 etc.

My partner floated the idea by that I should to start a "formal submission place" that is publicized etc where people can send things they find that need to make their way home.  EG Albums, scrapbooks, family bibles etc.

Before I look at creating something new, is there anything that exists already?  As I know I've had a few people reach out to me where they have family bibles etc
in Genealogy Help by Kristina Wheeler G2G6 Mach 2 (20.2k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
That would be awesome!  I have photos from distant family, but cannot find anyone in the more direct family who will respond to see if they'd like the photos.  

I was very thankful back in the early days of Ancestry.com to be contacted by a man who had found a photograph of my great great grandmother at an estate sale.  I am forever grateful to him for taking the time to look up the information on the photo and finding me on Ancestry in order to send it.
by Lynnette Hettrick G2G6 Mach 6 (60.6k points)

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