Do you belong to a Genealogy Society? The Ambassadors Need You! [closed]

+26 votes

Hey WikiTreers!

The Ambassadors Project has been reorganizing. We're now working on ways to improve how WikiTree connects and interacts with genealogical and local history societies.

This is the kind of thing we want to do:

  • Liaise with societies: set up your local society with a free-space page and some WikiTree materials as part of a package.
  • Use social media to promote what societies are offering on WikiTree.
  • Encourage bloggers to blog about societies and the resources available to them on WikiTree.

And ... what else? What are your ideas?

Are you interested in participating in some way? Please post an answer here so we can continue the discussion.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (715k points)
closed by Azure Robinson
Hi Azure from Dublin, Ireland.

Thank you for this great initiative so hopefully it receives support.

I am a member of the Iveragh Peninsula Genealogy Group.

We are a group (closed facebook) researching ancestors, family and friends associated with the Iveragh Peninsula of Co. Kerry, Ireland.

There is great expertise equally in Iveragh and it's environs and internationally.

Most of our members, and we are in excess of 1,200, contribute to research often with intimate local knowledge.

We have an extensive database including GedMatch.

Best wishes,

I belong to one, the Cass County, TX, Genealogical Society.  I am 20 degrees from Orville Wright and 18 from Henry VIII.  My first ancestor in the VA Colony was Caron Branan/Brannan/Brannon/Branham/etc.  According the Pioneers and Cavaliers vol. 7, he came to Jamestown at the age of about 6 or 7 and made a bond servant for an Englishman named George Davenport.

Cal Brannon
I am a life-long member of the:

 Manitoba Genealogical Society Inc., 1045 St James Street - Unit E, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3H 1B1

At I am close to 83 do not feel that I can actively participate in the project.  However, really believe it may help the Genealogy Societies.
Tim and Cal - Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! Look for a private message from me!

E. Lauraine - Thanks for responding!
I can set up a page for our society here in Tucson, AZ - Pima County Genealogy Society
If we can get ALL the members who are also  NSDAR Members  to add the Category:Daughters of the American Revolution and the NSDAR State Chapters, We can see which Sisters we need to bug to join wikitree.......yes?

Hi Carole,

On the Society team page we have a listing of all those who belong to a society and are Society Team members of the Ambassadors Project. 

smiley Azure Rae

I am the vice-chair of the Crittenden County Genealogical Society in Kentucky. I would love for us to participate. :)

I am also a member of the Livingston County Genealogical Society, Whitley County, Genealogical Society, Kentucky Genealogical Society, and the National Genealogical Society.
Hi, Angela!

Have you thought about creating a free-space page for your society? Some examples can be found in the Genealogy Societies category:

Do you have a society Facebook group that you can share WikiTree with?

Let me know if you have other ideas or need help with anything!

Azure :)
Great idea! I just created the page and am working on the post for our society group.

30 Answers

+11 votes
Hi Azure,

You and I are 19 degrees apart; however, more importantly we are 9th cousins through shared ancestor Nathaniel Holcombe (1648-1741).

I belong to the Pima County Genealogical Society and the New England Historic and Genealogical Society. At this point, I have little to no time to participate as a society ambassador because I still work outside the home and have little time.

It is very good to meet you, though, cousin!
by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Yes, so nice to 'meet' you!! Thanks for responding!
+11 votes

Hi Azure,

I'm a member of the Aberdeen and North East Scotland Family History Socitey (ANESFHS).  They've been really helpful to a few enquiries I've made (eg. they kindly conected me to a volunteer who photograph ancestral gravestones in her local burial ground) and they publish some really good memorial inscriptions as books and in an on-line listing.

I'd be happy to ask them if they'd like a WikiTree page set-up for them, etc.  Look forward to hear more about the ideas.

Best wishes,


by David Dobie G2G6 (6.3k points)
Hi David! That's so wonderful! I'll get you added to the Society Team! Thanks for responding!
+13 votes
Hi Azure;

I am a member of two societies:

(a) The Woady Yaloak Historical Society Inc, c/o P.O. Smythesdale, 3351, covering a good part of the Ballarat Goldfields and a recognized museum;

(b) The Bendigo Regional Genealogical Society Inc, P.O, Box 1049, Bendigo 3552, (currently in COVID recess,) where I am now resident.
by Doug Laidlaw G2G6 Mach 4 (42.3k points)
That's great Doug! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! Look for a private message from me!
+12 votes
Good Morning, Azure,

I am a member of the Dallas (Texas) Genealogical Society, the Texas State Genealogical Society, and am currently president of a local group the Heritage Ranch Genealogical Society (open to residents of my subdivision). We are a small group of about 30 to 40 members. Of course, we are all on pandemic hiatus right now but are planning some Zoom meetings.

I am happy to participate to promote WikiTree.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Hi Ginny! I'll get you added to the Society team! Thanks for responding!
+12 votes
I am an officer in the Genealogical Society of Vermont.  We have a peer reviewed publication called "Vermont Genealogy".  I am interested.
by Carolyn Adams G2G6 Mach 9 (95.6k points)
Hi Carolyn! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project. Look for a private message from me.
+11 votes
I belong to the Howard County (MD) Genealogy Society:
by Jim Kuttler G2G3 (3.4k points)
Hi Jim! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! Look for a private message from me!
+10 votes
I am a member & past Pres. of the Forsyth Co, (NC) Genealogical Society.  I am not sure what I can do to help but am willing to try.  All meetings have been cancelled until Jan, 2021.  We do have a publication, a copy of which should be coming out in a month or so, I think.  Let me know what is the best way to help the project.

Nelson Weller
by Nelson Weller G2G6 (6.0k points)
+11 votes
I am a member of the Austin Genealogical Society in Austin, Texas and am serving as the librarian for the Williamson County Genealogical Society in Round Rock, Texas (just NW of Austin). I would be delighted to help!
by Sarah Kroh G2G6 Mach 3 (35.6k points)
Hi Sarah! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! Look for a private message from me!
+11 votes
Hi, Azure,

I am a member of the Kentucky Genealogy Society and belong to a Facebook genealogy group for Williamson County, Tennessee. I’d be happy to help in whatever ways I can with either group. The KGS has a monthly newsletter and a quarterly magazine. They also have monthly educational programs (currently via zoom) which are quite popular. All three of these  of these seem like interesting possibilities for getting the word out about wikiTree!
by Deborah Outland G2G6 Mach 2 (21.0k points)
Hi Deborah! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! It seems like you could also be on the Social Media team! Look for a private message from me!
+11 votes

There are many sources of information about genealogy societies but none offer the ability to connect with individuals in those societies.WikiTree could capitalize on this void. I am on the board of the Welsh Irish Scottish English (WISE) Family History Society based in Denver, Colorado. Our board meeting is this Saturday and I will find out if there is any interest in participating.

by William Tracy G2G3 (3.4k points)
Hi, William! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! Look for a private message from me!
+9 votes
I belong to my local society, but I am not the president. Can I help?

by Victoria Sullivan G2G4 (4.3k points)
Hi Victoria! Yes, we'd love to have you! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! Look for a private message from me!
+9 votes

as a member of ( Western Germany genealogy I am open to ideas for improved connectivity. So far I have not found any international collaboration structures yet - doesn't mean there aren't any...
by Diana Wieser G2G1 (1.3k points)
Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project, Diana! Look for a private message from me!
+11 votes
Hi Azure,

I am member of the society Schleswig-Holsteinische Familienforschung e.V. (

And they are as society inter alia member of the Verein für Computer Genealogie e.V. (, so that I am automaticly also member of that society.
by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project, Dieter! Look for a private message from me!
+9 votes
I am a member of the Franco-American Genealogy Society in Manchester, NH.  They used to have a lot of hands on materials.  This is where I was able to document the location of many of my Canadian American Ancestors from Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick.  They eliminated a lot of their materials, sold their building and moved.  Not sure what the new location is like, but at least it still exists!
by Diane DiGioia G2G Crew (470 points)
Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project, Diane! Look for a private message from me!
+9 votes
Hi. Im a member of the Redcliffe & District Family History Group in Queensland, Australia. We have an extensive collection of local family history newsletters and several volunteers who are experienced genealogists on Australian projects.
by Ted Flack G2G Crew (660 points)
Hi Ted! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! Look for a private message from me!
+8 votes
Hi Azure, I am currently a newish member of the Morwell historical Society, in Victoria, Australia. I am also a mature aged student doing a Bachelor of Arts degree so spare time is only available during breaks from Uni. I'm majoring in history with literature as my minor.I am interested in what you are trying to achieve and maybe i can be helpful over the long Xmas break. I have been doing family history since 1985. Lin Starke
by Lin Starke G2G2 (2.2k points)
Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project, Lin! Look for a private message from me!
+10 votes

I am a member of the Connecticut Socity of Genealogists. If I can be of help let me know.

James (Jim) Vincent
by Jim Vincent G2G5 (5.8k points)
Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project, Jim! Look for a private message from me!
+8 votes

I am a member of the local Port Lincoln History Group in South Australia. I am also a guide at our museum where we conduct guided tours, specialising in the Bishop family who brought the first European settlers to Port Lincoln. I am not sure how I can help, but I may be able to.

by Kevin Parker G2G Crew (440 points)
Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project, Kevin! Look for a private message from me!
+8 votes
I'm a member of the South Plains Genealogical Society in Lubbock, Texas.  WikiTree will be mentioned in our upcoming newsletter.  Do you have an example free-space page you can point me to?  That sounds like a great idea.
by Randall Merriott G2G6 Mach 1 (12.1k points)
Hi Randall! Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project! Look for a private message from me!
+8 votes
I am a member of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR) as well as the Intermountain Chapter of AHSGR located in Salt Lake City.  My maternal grandparents immigrated here as Volga Germans from Russia in 1903 and 1905.  I don't know what would be required of me for this, but will look forward to a reply.
by Nancy Castro G2G1 (1.2k points)
Thanks for your interest in the Ambassadors Project, Nancy! Look for a private message from me!

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