Flying High! Which Aviation Pioneer Are You Most Closely Connected To?

+25 votes

This week's Example Profile of the Week is aviation pioneer Orville Wright, featured alongside him are these other aviation heroes:

Who are you most closely connected to? If you're one of the 20,156,000 of us who are connected to each other on our big tree you can check with the Connection Finder.

You can also check for shared ancestors with the Relationship Finder. Are you a cousin to any of them?

Let us know below!

WikiTree profile: Orville Wright
in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (789k points)

Not a really a genealogy connection, but a brother of my direct ancestor Charles Calvin Zartman is said to have built the bicycle shop of the Wright Brothers in Dayton Ohio.  Relationship finder says I am a seventh cousin four-times removed from Orville Wright.

Orville  Wright and Kathleen Foster (Rogan-205) are 6th cousins 6 times removed.  Samuel Wright Sr. 1606-1665 is Kathleen's 11th Great Grandfather. Amelia Earhart is my 8th cousin 3 times removed. (My Dad was an aircraft engineer for Canadian Air who passed on in 1999.)

Billy Bishop almost certainly probably shares a Bishop ancestor of mine back in England, maybe. But the Wright brothers are definitely 5th cousins 5x removed.
Amelia Earhart is my fouth cousin twice removed.
Not a relative, but an early Canadian aviator that needs recognition is a family where every member distinguished himself in some way.

35 Answers

+14 votes
16 Degrees from Orville Wright and 17 Degrees from Amelia Earhart.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+16 votes
I'm 19 from Amelia Earhart and 21 from Orville Wright
by Loralee Hutton G2G6 Mach 2 (26.2k points)
+15 votes
I am 18 degrees from Amelia Earhart, 20 degrees from Orville Wright, and 21 degrees from Billy Bishop and Charles Rolls. The rest are over 30 degrees. Fun exercise!!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+15 votes
17 from Charles Rolls, 18 from Orville Wright, 19 from Amelia Earhart and 20 from Billy Bishop.
by Laurie Cruthers G2G6 Pilot (175k points)
+13 votes

Thank you to Ales Trtnik for all of his work on updating the Connection Finder. I am connected to each one of the aviators profiled. I am only related to Orville Wright and Charles Rolls by blood. 

by A. Creighton G2G6 Pilot (946k points)
+13 votes

17 Degrees from Orville Wright (7th Cousin 4 times removed), 17 Degrees from Amelia Earhart (7th cousin 2 times removed) and 18 degrees from Azure Robinson (10th Cousin).

by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (289k points)
edited by Jennifer Robins
+13 votes
15 degrees from Orville, 16 from Amelia, 19 from Charles, Billy and Azure, 23 from Manfred and Joseph, 27 from Nancy, 30 from Louis, and 32 from Jim.

6th cousins 2x removed from Orville (through Stephen Presbury of Martha's Vineyard). 9th cousins 2x removed from Amelia (through Mayflower passenger Richard Warren).
by Chase Ashley G2G6 Pilot (326k points)
+13 votes

The Aussie wins for me with

17 degrees from Nancy-Bird Walton

21 from both Orville Wright and Charles Rolls

22 from Amelia Earhart 

(and 23 from our member of the week Azure)

24 from Billy Bishop and Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen 

30 from Louis Bleriot and Joseph Gomer and 

way out to 37 from Jim Mollison 

smiley such a variety of degree paths too 

by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
+12 votes

Orville and Carol Lynn are 8th cousins three times removed

Orville Wright is 20 Degrees from Carol Lynn Napora

Amelia and Carol Lynn are 10th cousins three times removed

Amelia Earhart is 20 Degrees from Carol Lynn Napora

by Carol Lynn Napora G2G6 Mach 3 (38.4k points)
+15 votes
I'm 14 degrees from Amelia Earhart
by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Me, too!
Me three!

Also, fifth cousins three times removed
+11 votes
17 degrees from Louis Blériot. I'm also 17 degrees from Azure and that's closer than connection anchors usually are. My next closer connection is Amelia Earhart at 21  degrees.
by Isabelle Martin G2G6 Pilot (592k points)
+12 votes
Orville and Wilbur Wright are my 7th cousins 2x removed. Our common ancestors are John Porter, born 21 Jun 1594 in Felsted, Essex, England, and died 22 Apr 1648 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut, Colonial America; and Sarah Hart, born 2 Jun 1624 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, Colonial America, and died 20 Nov 1697 in Kensington, Hartford, Connecticut, Colonial America. I descend through their daughter Ruth Porter (1664-1739) who married Samuel Smith (1664-1724).
by Gail Hardy G2G6 (7.5k points)
+10 votes
Amelia Earhart 16 degrees  8th cousin 1x removed

Orville Wright 18 degrees 8th Cousin 2x removed

Charles Rolls 18 degrees 8th cousin 3x removed

The Red Baron is very 25 degrees 14th 5x removed

 Azure Robinson 19 degrees 9th cousin 1x removed
by Faylene Bailey G2G6 Mach 1 (12.2k points)
+11 votes
Had I been making up this list I would have included Amy Johnson-45860 who was the subject of the song “Amy, wonderful Amy,, how can you blame me for loving you.... “
by William Arbuthnot of Kittybrewster G2G6 Pilot (187k points)
She was on the long list Sir William, but we already had a Brit :-) We'll feature aviators again sometime, and we'll catch her that time!
+11 votes
Woo-hoo!  Amelia is the closest at 17 degrees.  Farewell, First Lady of the Air!
by Jaki Erdoes G2G6 Mach 7 (75.6k points)
+11 votes

Orville Wright is my 8th cousin. We share the same 7th great grandfather, Nicholas Stillwell Jr.

Amazingly, we are of the same generation, even though our births are 87 years apart.

by Terry Morse G2G3 (3.5k points)
+11 votes
The Wright brothers are my third cousins 3x removed on my dad's side of the family.
by Deb Roberts G2G6 (7.5k points)
+10 votes
Hey, what about my 7th cousin (once removed) Glenn Curtiss [Curtiss-352]! He may have done more for aviation in the US than Wright. BTW Orville Wright is my 6th cousin (twice removed).
by Bill Pease G2G6 Mach 3 (32.3k points)
+11 votes
Closest to Amelia Earhart 16 degrees then Orville Wright 18 degrees
by Sandra Allison G2G1 (1.4k points)

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