Need a pre-1500 certified member to merge Palmer-7151 ib=nto Palmer-3094 [closed]

+6 votes
Joan (Jane) Palmer Upton appear to be the same person, but  although I'm the profile manager, I'm not pre+1500 certfied.
WikiTree profile: Joan Upton
closed with the note: Merge completed
in Policy and Style by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
closed by Darlene Athey-Hill

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
Please approve the merge, and I will complete it....
by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (900k points)
selected by Darlene Athey-Hill
I am having trouble approving of the merge because of my non pre-1500 certification.  What do I need to do?
David, once you've clicked on the 'compare' button on the proposed merge, then click on the 'merge them' link.  I adopted the other profile and approved the merge (then orphaned it).  So it should be good to go.  If you click on the merge them, it may just 'thank you' for approving it.  At that point, a pre-1500 member (such as Robin or myself) can complete it.
Merge is done.....David, I left the information about the "other Joan" and the "other William Upton" just as a reminder when looking at this profile

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