Need help translating Latin

+7 votes

There is a German Catholic burial record from 9 Jan 1745 that is in Latin:  Hune sequebatur vicinu sunm Margretha Mausin femina quinquaginta annorid quo rite disposita ponilens sacra synopsi resecta et extreme inunita pie in domino obyt.  This was read by a German friend who doesn't know Latin and Google Translate is gibberish.  The entry is at (2nd entry under 1745 on the left).  Can someone fluent in Latin translate for me?

There's another entry at, 2nd under 1773 on the right, that says Exspiravit Josephus Maus vis alias honestus omnibus sacris  munitus 49 (?) annorum.  Does that mean anything other than Joseph Maus was 49 (or 47) when he died?

Thank you.

in Genealogy Help by Kerry Larson G2G6 Pilot (243k points)
edited by Kerry Larson

2 Answers

+9 votes
Hi Kerry:

I am not fluent in Latin, though I have encountered Latin churchbook entries before. I generally find Google Translate to be completely unusable for Latin, because it does not recognize declensions and conjugations - instead, I have had much more luck with, though that requires a word-by-word lookup (it indexes all the cases and tenses with a reference back to what the stem word is).

In addition, here there is a problem with difficult handwriting, which I believe has led to some errors in the transcription. The first word should be Hunc rather than Hune, the third word I believe is vicina [female neighbor] rather than vicinu. The most important word in the whole passage is "quinquaginta", which indicates she was 50 when she died. My sense of the entry as a whole is that the basic information is that Margretha Maus died at age 50; the remainder is about the rites she received (including extreme unction) before dying.
by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
Thanks for your help C-H.
Google Translate is mis-named: it doesn't actually do any translation. What it does is statistical matching of patterns of words. This works pretty well for fixed-syntax languages like English, but fails utterly on languages like Latin where the order of the words makes little or no grammatical difference.
+5 votes
Agree with C-H on the first record. Age 50, received penance and extreme unction, died in the Lord.

The link you posted for the second record is the same as the first link, so it brought up the same page for Margaret Mausin.
by Frank Santoro G2G6 Mach 5 (60.0k points)
Thanks for your answer Frank and for letting me know about the bad link.  Sometimes my copy and paste misses the copy part.  I've fixed the link.
Still not seeing it. I see 1756 entries on the left, and 1757-1759 entries on the right. I see a Joseph Maus on the bottom left but a different entry that what you may be looking at.

Doh!  Thanks for sticking with me Frank.  Eventually my copy & paste skills will land on the right link.  Should be correct now.

Pretty basic. No information on family or anything. Age 42 or 49, strengthened by all the sacraments.
Thanks Frank.

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