Can someone explain what's wrong with the ref name= (repeat citation) tag?

+2 votes
I've been trying to use <ref name="whatever" /> to cite the same long source a second time.  It's handy, but is it buggy?  Using it caused text that followed, which included another citation, to be invisible.  Not only does the following text become invisible, but the reference in it is also ignored.  I tried many things.  Clearly, it's the <ref name=... thingy causing the problem.  I found a clumsy solution, by accident.  If I add a blank dummy reference after the repeated reference, then only the blank dummy is invisible and the text that follows appears as normal. What the heck?  Can someone take a look at Hightower-1616?  The weirdness is near the end, in the last sentence before "Children: "

Now it occurs to me...  maybe we're supposed to write <ref name="whatwever" /> <ref> </ref> to cite the same reference again, that is, with a dummy ref after it.  This is what works, though it isn't what the instructions say to do.
in WikiTree Help by John Yates G2G2 (2.8k points)

I think your problem is the <ref name=“D.C.” /ref> I think (don't know for sure) the /ref> is not needed, just the />

I very much agree with Melanie here. It's obviously the <ref name=“D.C.” /ref> near the end which is causing problems. Just change it to <ref name=“D.C.” /> and the problem should go away.
I must be blind.  Thank you!  It's funny, the weird thing it caused, rather than an error message.  Computers remind me of that silly game we played as kids, where one player would give an order, step by step precisely, while the other would try to subvert the command by following in some technical way while preventing the intended outcome from being reached.
The problem now solved, I returned privacy setting to 'public'.

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