I was able to search for the profile when I added ادیب سمیعی in the family name field. The profile for هادی خان ادیب سمیعی is listed as 23-سمیعی_ادیب and I was able to find it easily.
I have a question for our WikiTree Tech people. I believe that the Persian alphabet was used. I had no problem finding the profile using the Persian alphabet. I tried searching using the English alphabet, but I could not find the profile that way. I tried searching using the family name Samii Adib as well as the family names Adib Samii, Abid, and Samii. I could not find the profile using English. If the profile is not entered using the Roman alphabet, can the profile not be found in a language that uses the Roman alphabet?
Ali: is that the problem that you are trying to identify?