Wonderful Picture. I looked around a little bit at the family profiles that you've created for this family. Are you aware of the Antenati website? I just had time for a quick run thru and here's some of what I found:
Generated by a search for Domenica Lobbia from 1850-1950:
Antonio Caneva
Padre : G Batta Caneva
Madre : Domenica Lobbia
Comune/Località : Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia
Data : 20 Apr 1881
Tipologia di Atto : Nascite
Ines Caneva
Padre : Gio Batta Caneva
Madre : Domenica Lobbia
Comune/Località : Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia
Data : 14 Mag 1891
Tipologia di Atto : Nascite
Maria Caneva
Padre : Gio Batta Caneva
Madre : Domenica Lobbia
Comune/Località : Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia
Data : 8 Set 1892
Tipologia di Atto : Nascite
Generated by a search for Gio Batta Caneva from 1850-1950 (some overlap with the above):
Ines Giulia Valentina Caneva
Padre : Gio Batta Caneva
Madre : Domenica Labbia
Comune/Località : Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia
Data : 14 Set 1889
Tipologia di Atto : Nascite
Domenica Beatrice Giulia Caneva
Padre : Gio Batta Caneva
Madre : Domenica Tablia
Comune/Località : Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia
Data : 11 Apr 1901
Tipologia di Atto : Nascite
Mario Domenico Caneva
Padre : Gio Batta Caneva
Madre : Domenica Labbia
Comune/Località : Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia
Data : 15 Ago 1897
Tipologia di Atto : Nascite
Umberto Caneva
Padre : Gio Batta Caneva
Madre : Domenica Labbia
Comune/Località : Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia
Data : 27 Ago 1894
Tipologia di Atto : Nascite
When you click on the search results, it will take you to the actual records which give some more details---for instance on the record linked below...
Generated by a search for Giovanni Battista Caneva from 1850-1950:
Giovanni Battista Caneva
Padre : Gio Batta Caneva
Madre : Domenica Sabbia
Comune/Località : Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia
Data : 24 Nov 1895
Tipologia di Atto : Nascite
You can see that Giovanni's (Senior) father Antonio was noted as still living (di Antonio) and the address of the home they were living in is also noted (sometime cool to do the google-walkie-dude and see them from street view!)
Children located so far in Chrono-order:
1. Antonio Caneva-20 Apr 1881 (Traditionally likely to be first born male with his paternal GF's name)
GAP here with more children likely but haven't found the search parameters for the transcriptions.
2. Ines Giulia Valentina Caneva-14 Set 1889 (This Ines is VERY likely to have died before the next Ines was born)
3. Ines Caneva-14 Mag 1891
4. Maria Caneva-8 Set 1892
5. Umberto Caneva-27 Ago 1894
6. Giovanni Battista Caneva-24 Nov 1895
7. Mario Domenico Caneva-15 Ago 1897
8. Domenica Beatrice Giulia Caneva-11 Apr 1901
Couple more things...location used on the Italian website is Asiago, Vicenza, Veneto, Italia---that MAY help you when digging for other records. Typically, for all Italian women who stayed in Italy, it would be somewhat incorrect to show them with the married name like you've done for Domenica--she was born and died as Lobbia.
Hope this helps to dig deeper into your Italian family and their records! (Unfortunately the handwriting on the few records I reviewed is pretty funky