These "new" filters come at the expense of being removed from the basic searches / filtering we already had!
I can no longer search for a surname in the list of names from my matches, nor a haplotype, both of which I used.
I tested on v2, am not in the US, will not be offered the premium service but have already have a capped match list, lost functionality I used to have and I've lost from the main match list all the smaller matches I took the trouble to connect with to keep them before. They are still in my DNA connections but that doesn't appear to be downloadable or searchable.
I have no intention of re-testing and then paying an annual fee to a company with such scant regard for genealogists, or even basic Public Relations.
My two now deceased relatives who tested for me, who have similarly had the usefulnes of their DNA matches reduced and couldn't be re-tested with the best will in the world.
I tested for genealogical purposes, use the smaller matches, rarely getting close relatives showing up but the more that do the more interested to me matches disappear!
My message to new matches now suggests that they utilize the free transfers to MyHeritage and GEDmatch where such restrictions do not exist.
Not a happy camper.
may be of interest.
Roberta Estes advice to download now to get your matches, is I suspect too late for those just coming to this issue as it seems to have already happened.