Have you heard about the new 23andMe membership?

+7 votes

I logged onto 23andMe today and got a notice telling me:  

Go deeper into your DNA
with a new membership

It says:  23andMe Premium members will have access to new, exclusive features immediately and over time. These include, but are not limited to, Pharmacogenetics reports, Premium Heart Health reports, and advanced genealogy tools.  The cost is (in USD) $15/month or $99/year.

in The Tree House by Darlene Athey-Hill G2G6 Pilot (570k points)

following. I have been unable to find out what 

advanced filters to help you quickly search and group your DNA relatives

means.  Maybe they will give us a test drive of a week or something before we have to pay. 

7 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

This is what I read after I got an offer to upgrade.  This is under FAQs, "Who is Eligible for 23andMe Premium?"

A limited number of Health + Ancestry Service customers (U.S. customers only) genotyped on the V5 chip are eligible for 23andMe Premium at this time.


Basic DNA Relatives features

60+ Health reports

Pharmacogenetics reports*

Premium Heart Health reports

Advanced DNA Relatives features - Gain access to up to 5,000 DNA Relatives, and use advanced filters to help you quickly search and group your DNA relatives.

by Deb Williams G2G6 Mach 1 (14.7k points)
selected by Darlene Athey-Hill
Good information, Deb.  That explains why some people aren't seeing it.  You have to have been tested with the V5 chip...  I am interested in hearing from anyone that upgrades to this as to the 'advanced DNA features.'  If no one responds, I may just try it for a month when I know I'll have time to play with it . . .
I upgraded to the V-5 chip and have been offered the Premium membership.  They have also capped my DNA Relatives at 1500.  At the time I had 1768 relatives.  However this 1500 relative capped has been applied to all of the profiles I manage.  So that might be something throughout 23andMe.  I am still on the fence about this Premium membership.  I manage my brother and sisters profiles and we all get doled out different relatives, no matter how much we are related.  Premium membership would give me access to 5000 relatives.  That would be great, the more the better.
+6 votes
I just logged onto 23andMe and did NOT find the info you reported. It might be a scam. Check the url.
by Sue Ison G2G6 (6.9k points)

Sue, it's on my page after I logged in . . .  certainly not a scam.  Maybe they're doing a soft rollout and not yet offering it to everyone.

I did not get the offer either. It may depend on what sort of membership you already have. I only have the DNA not the health traits.

Lucy, that makes sense.  You would have to have tested for health to have a health upgrade!  wink

You guys are right, you only had the DNA without the health reports. I got the health reports right from the start and really like them. But...it should be a total of $99 for life, not a year.
Well then, Sue, it's rather strange that you don't have the notice.  I have the health reports and got the notice.  You have 'em and didn't get the notice.  So go figure!  I think they are probably adding a cluster tool to the DNA, but you can get other sites to do that for you for less $.
I got it also after I logged in, mine says $49 per yr
+4 votes
I read that as another sales pitch for their health information, and no use to genealogists.  If someone has information to the contrary, I'd be interested in seeing it.
by Living Kelts G2G6 Pilot (562k points)
Julie, they mention 'advanced genealogy tools'.  My guess is they're adding a clustering tool.  I'll wait awhile and see if anyone subscribes and what they have to say . . .
I just logged in and found nothing of any use.
So you signed up for the premium membership?
No.  But I assumed that when I did log in, I'd find an advertising banner for the new service, which I did not.
Did you buy the 'health and ancestry test'?
No, but that doesn't stop an incessant flow of e-mails encouraging me to buy health-related DNA information from nearly every website I've got my DNA on.
That, I'm guessing, is why you didn't see the mention of the premium membership, since it's health and genealogy...
+6 votes
And I just found it.

The new filters let you choose someone who has a specific ancestry composition, haplogroup or last active date.

The ancestry composition used to be free from what I remember, you just had to hunt for it. I also thought I could type the haplogroup in the search field and get results in old system as well.

I do not think it is worth it for me.

PS I just went to the DNA relatives and picked filters. The premium ones are listed but unavailable
by Lance Martin G2G6 Pilot (132k points)
+6 votes
I wonder if they still exclude the "sensitive" health information
by Lois Tilton G2G6 Pilot (179k points)
I was one of the early participants, have had no mention of this displayed upon my sign in...BUT...I purchased a test kit for my 90 year old dad, he tells me they want him to pay a monthly fee just to access the data.  Could that be true?
+4 votes
These "new" filters come at the expense of being removed from the basic searches / filtering we already had!

I can no longer search for a surname in the list of names from my matches, nor a haplotype, both of which I used.

I tested on v2, am not in the US, will not be offered the premium service  but have already have  a capped match list,  lost functionality I used to have and  I've lost from the main match list all the smaller matches I took the trouble to connect with to keep them before. They are still in my DNA connections but that doesn't appear to be downloadable or searchable.

I have no intention of re-testing and then paying an annual fee to a company with such scant regard for genealogists, or even basic Public Relations.

My two now deceased relatives who tested for me, who have similarly had the usefulnes of their DNA matches reduced and couldn't be re-tested with the best will in the world.

I tested for genealogical purposes, use the smaller matches, rarely getting close relatives showing up but the more that do  the more interested to me matches disappear!

My message to new matches now suggests that they utilize the free transfers  to MyHeritage and GEDmatch where such restrictions do not exist.

Not a happy camper.


may be of interest.

Roberta Estes advice to download now to get your matches, is I suspect too late for those just coming to this issue as it seems to have already happened.
by Lorna Henderson G2G6 Mach 3 (32.6k points)
edited by Lorna Henderson
Lorna, I didn't even think or realize they would reduce our number of matches when I posted this in August.  It would've been nice to have had some advance warning.  Mine are now also regrettably reduced to 1,500 for the family tests that I manage . . .
+4 votes
23 and Me currently (13 Feb 2023) has three offers: 1. Ancestry ($99). 2. Health + Ancestry ($199). 3. 23andMe+ ($198 sale price; $228 regular price; renews at $29 a year).

The yearly 23andMe+ membership says it gives you the following that the others don't:

1. Enhanced ancestry features (enhanced filtering and access up to 5000 more DNA relatives)

2. Pharmacogenetics reports

3. Ongoing new reports and features

I personally signed up for this, but my results aren't in, yet (my saliva sample has been delivered, but not received by the lab, yet). I have relatives who signed up for Health+Ancestry without the membership; so, we should be able to find out the difference in a number of weeks. I personally don't know what the difference is, yet, but I have seen what a family member has access to without the membership.

The prices are currently more expensive than they were over the holidays (they had a holiday sale).
by Mark Dewey G2G1 (1.4k points)

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