Who is the Father of Betty (Marston) Robinson's Daughter Nancy Smith of Fremont (Poplin), NH???

+1 vote
I'm researching the genealogy of Elizabeth "Betty" (Marston) Robinson of Brentwood, NH (wife of Josiah Robinson).  I believe Betty is my 4th great-grandmother via her daughter Nancy Smith Robinson (1788-1874). 

Nancy is my 3rd great-grandmother and I've been able to verify this thru her marriage to Elijah Purington (1782-1849) of Epping, New Hampshire.  Public records (both marriage and birth records of Nancy and Elijah's children) identify Nancy as having the maiden names "Smith" or "Robinson" and that she was born in Fremont, NH (formerly called Poplin).

After looking at census and probate records for Fremont (Poplin), I was able to find a will for Josiah Robinson, whose wife was Elizabeth "Betty" Robinson.  In the will (probate date 25 Aug 1803), Josiah says, "I give unto my wife's Daughter, Nancy Smith, fifty dollars to be paid her at the age of eighteen years, or upon her marriage, if before that term."  

With that information, I'm working on a theory that Nancy Smith lived for a period of time during her childhood in Fremont; with her mother, Betty (and Betty's husband Josiah Robinson) and their family.  This may be the reason that Nancy's records sometimes identify her maiden name as "Smith" or "Robinson". 

Also, it appears that before their marriage in 1790, both Betty and Josiah were in previous relationships. In regards to Betty and Nancy, I haven't been able to find any information at all, regarding the identity of Nancy's father (who I'm calling Mr. Smith).  

I'm wondering if anyone in the WikiTree community might have any information, regarding Betty Marston Robinson, her daughter Nancy Smith; and who Nancy's father (Mr. Smith) might be?
Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you, Dan.
WikiTree profile: Betty Robinson
in Genealogy Help by Dan FitzDaniel G2G Crew (940 points)
Hi Dan you might like to edit your question and adjust the line length as half of it is unreadable, thanks

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