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+8 votes
Hello! My name is Kate Jude and I'm a newbie! I have taken over my father's interest in the family ancestry and expanded it to include my husband's side as well. Last year I found where my GGrandfather was born, and the land that his father owned in Ireland. We are a mixture of Irish, English, French, German, Czech, Austrian and possibly Scottish. I'm searching especially for the Jude's, O'Connor's, O'Neill's and Hayes in Ireland and the Munstenteiger, Gerardy, and Latour families in the German/French border areas. If anyone has families with those surnames, I would love to hear from you!
WikiTree profile: Kate Schmid
in The Tree House by Kate Schmid G2G Crew (410 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
Hey Kate,

Welcome! Love to see your sourced additions.

I personally cannot help with these locations (You have a great mix, but still lack the beautiful low lands ;) ). The easiest way to see who is working on the mentioned names is by searching for them (and for the spelling variations) and sort the profiles by recent changes. Then you can look at the profile manager's name, or at the changes tab.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (342k points)
selected by Kate Schmid

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