That is the Bergey genealogy I tried to link in my original post. From what I can tell, these of these three profiles were created with the intention of being the same person. The birth and death dates are all the same years and while not all three profiles give his last wife a name, it seems likely that the two that do decided to use the Clemens last night even though it hadn't been proven she was a daughter of Gerhart Clemens.
Even though these three profiles don't show all the same children, each of them fits with the genealogy as children of John Ulrich. My thinking is that the profiles were added for just the children needed to extent the original poster's line.
The surname Bergey is seen as Bergy, Berkey, Berky, Burgey, etc and it's mentioned in the genealogy that different branches seemed to choose their own way of spelling it. So while they aren't identical, I think the surnames chosen at the time the original profiles were created may have been based on whatever source that person was looking at at the time while not actually providing us with that source. As John Ulrich Bergey is supposedly from Switzerland, I wonder if some of the names used were meant to be respectful of how the name would have been spelled at that time.