52 Photos Week 35: Brave

+12 votes

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WikiTree profile: Space:52_Photos_Week_35_Brave
in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

15 Answers

+13 votes
Best answer

Here is a photo of my father Randall "Red" Parman when he was working as a bridge painter on the Golden Gate Bridge. This is a colorized version from the tool at My Heritage. He was also one of the "steeplejacks' that changed the flashing red light bulbs in the tops of radio towers. He did this by climbing all the way to the top and was one of the few to do this in central California. When I was very young, a friend of his crashed his light aircraft in the Yukon Territory of Canada. He flew his aircraft up there and helped rebuild the aircraft 'on site' in the wilderness which took several months. Bravest guy I know.

Randall "Red" Parman on the Golden Gate Bridge

by Ken Parman G2G6 Pilot (128k points)
selected by Jennifer Gonnuscio
Wow. It is easier to find a picture of a brave person than to find a picture of someone actually being brave. You did it. It is interesting that he is up there in his street clothes--even the shoes.
If I remember the story correctly, I think he was getting ready to go out on a date... with my Mom!  He was up there with some other brave guy who took the picture!
What a great picture!!  I agree...a picture of someone actually being brave... well done.
Thank you!

When I thought about pictures of people being brave, I thought about the famous Lunch Atop A Skyscraper. Your picture comes close. Thanks for sharing.

+23 votes

This is a 1938 photo of my mother Clarice Marvin. She was the bravest woman I have ever known. She moved to Kansas and went to work in the Boeing Aircraft Plant to help build B-29s, and was working there even when she was pregnant with me. She finished her degree after losing her husband in WWII, and worked as a medical technologist. She worked at Crippled Children's Hospital during the polo epidemic, and she never worried about herself--only possibly bringing polo home to me. In 1963, when she was only 42, she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. I watched her return to work at the VA Hospital in Oklahoma City after a radical mastectomy. She never complained, and only worried about how others would fare without her, and she bravely died at age 45. 

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (895k points)
edited by Alexis Nelson
Sweet Alexia your mother was beautiful wow

Thank you for sharing this gorgeous photo
Thank you Susan I appreciate your sweet comment.
This is a very beautiful story about a beautiful and very brave woman. So sorry that you lost your dear mother at such a young age. My great grandfather also lost his mother, Sarah Jane Hildreth Smith, (see photo above) at age 42. He was her only surviving son.
Marion thank you for your comment. You wrote a beautiful profile for your great grandmother Sarah. I was very impressed that you knew so much about her.
Alexis, thank you very much for your kind words regarding my 2x great grandmother, Sarah Jane Hildreth Smith. We know all about her and many other ancestors because her grand daughter, who was my grandmother, Bird Smith Dawson, wrote a history of the Smith family, their ancestors and descendants. Most of the information about her ancestors and some of their descendants has come to WikiTree because of Bird's diligent efforts at genealogy and family history. The images of her ancestors posted on WikiTree are from her extensive photo collection of ancestors. I give her 90% of the credit. I only claim about 10% of the credit for confirming most of what she wrote and entered it into WikiTree profiles.
What a Beautiful dedication to your Beautiful and Brave mother.
Thank you Vallery for your nice comment.
Alexis,   As I scrolled and read the account, I thought of just adding a big WOW.......since it already had been awarded and I discovered, upon scrolling, that it was your mother, I went away and thought on it 'til it came to me that you are blessed to have such a mother.
John, you are a very wise man. After she died, I felt very sorry for myself, but as I grew older I began to realize how very blessed I was to have her for twenty years. She played bridge with her three best friends from work, one of them was an African American lady, and the only other man in her life before my father was a European Jewish college student that his parents had been able to send to the US during the war. She was kind to everyone and absolutely never looked down on anyone, and whenever I was naughty—she would laugh and say I was like my father.
Alexis, you have some very interesting family, but now I see that you also have a very, brave . . . but also beautiful, and compassionate mother.

I sounds like your mother taught you some wonderful lessons in life. My friend, I am so sorry you lost her when you and her were both so young.

They say the young ones always go first, and it was definitely true in your mom's case.

Thank you for sharing her story.
Thank you Cheryl for your wonderful comment.
+15 votes

My great aunt's husband Horace Tudhope enlisted when he was only 17 and found himself a member of "A" company of the Algonquin regiment. He landed at Normandy in July 1944, and first saw action 20 miles from the town of Caen.

He had started out as a dispatch rider, running messages around on a motorcycle. Tudhope did not approve of this job and proceeded to wreck the bike so he would be allowed to rejoin the ranks. He also served with a flame-thrower unit, an extremely dangerous duty which Canadian soldiers perfected while fighting along the dykes in Holland. Tudhope explained how he once captured 17 German soldiers by himself.

"I sent three guys down into the bunker to flush these Germans out. I was standing there alone with just a pistol and I think I had a Sten gun," he said. "I looked around and here comes a bunch of Germans from the opposite way."

by Ron Raymer G2G6 Mach 5 (55.2k points)
Thank you Ron for sharing the photo and story about Horace and how very brave he was serving in WWII.
+7 votes

Supposedly I am descended from the brave Samoset, who greeted the Mayflower passengers by saying "welcome Englishmen" and asking if they had any beer. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of him, but here is one of great-aunt Irene in her Campfire Girl outfit, as an Indian maiden.

by Joyce Vander Bogart G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
Great story ... and I love the Campfire Girl outfit.  Thanks for sharing.
Joyce, Interesting history......would be interesting to hear more.  Beer.....might be a way to make friends, but for great stories, I think it best to stay away from that one.

Here's the story, as told on Wikipedia.

Thanks, Joyce, as I am always learning about our ancestors early history in North America, you have given me an "inside" look.
+10 votes

My great grandmother Fernande Jaxel Marchal in France, around 1920. She was a very brave and frank woman.

by Isabelle Huth G2G6 Mach 1 (14.1k points)
Thank you Isabelle for sharing your lovely photo of your great grandmother. Living in France when she did had to have not been easy.
Yes absolutely, it was not easy. Thank you Alexis!
+14 votes

My father, John William Sims (1919-1983), was a quietly "Brave" man ... he had Polio and Tuberculous as a young man ... he was in a sanitarium when I was born.

He and my mother, Ruth Ann Rammel-Sims (1918-2006), packed all their belongings in a old Model T and headed for Phoenix, Arizona ... Drs told him he need to get away from Illinois or die young.

There auto broke down in Albuquerque ... didn't have funds to fix it ... so that became their new life-ling home.

We could all tell he struggled ... but he never complained ... he was a milkman, a breadman and whatever job he could get.

His health was never good ... but he never complained ... by the time he left this earth he had gone through several lungs surgeries ... he had 1/3 of one lung at the end.

Here is a photo of him in the hospital  a young man ...


by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
Thank you Bill for sharing the story of your brave father. Polo was so terrible, and adding tuberculosis must have really been difficult for him. These stories about someone you love are hard to write.
+14 votes

My Grandfather who fought in WW1 & was permanently disabled by mustard gas. 

by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
Thank you Brad for sharing your wonderful photo of your handsome grandfather. Mustard gas must have been a terrible thing.
Why thank you so much Alexis!!
+10 votes

My 4x GGfather Lieutenant Johan Ludwig Debeck who fought for the British in the American Revolution with first Emerick's Chasseurs, secondly with the New York Volunteers & was taken prisoner at the British surrender in the Battle of York, 1781.

by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
Brad,   I chose to learn more about Johan and quickly discovered, somewhat to my amazement, that you're a cousin living in the same locality as me......and, as for Johan, he is also connected to my wife.....thanks for sharing.
Thanks John, that's quite interesting.  I see we are 15th cousins 2x removed.
I see, Brad, that you completed your career at YVR......I constructed, there, the two mile runway, the UPS freight terminal and the Airbus terminal......but, of course, with a little bit of help.
+12 votes

My 2x Great Grandmother, Sarah Jane Hildreth Smith, was very brave to care for her father, who had pneumonia, a communicable disease. Her bravery and love for him overcame her fear of catching it. She died 9 days after her father, at the age of 42, from the same disease. 

by Marion Ceruti G2G6 Pilot (391k points)
edited by Marion Ceruti
Thank you Marion for sharing the story of Sarah. She is so pretty, and her hair is gorgeous.
+8 votes

Even though Taoyateduta understood the war would be futile, he reluctantly, but bravely, led his people in the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862.

Mother had been gone but a few minutes when Chief Little Crow came in. Harriet and I were glad/overjoyed to see him for he was Father's friend and we were sure he wouldn't let any harm come to us.... Little Crow had often been a dinner guest in our home so I asked him if he would like something to eat. He shook his head and asked for a tomahawk Father had made/promised him. Father was a blacksmith but could make hunting knives and tomahawks which the Indians used for dressing big game. I went to the chest where these things were kept and handed him the tomahawk. Placing the hand that held the tomahawk over his heart, he bowed his head and said in English, "My heart is sad." He then spoke rapidly in Sioux to the Indian women. Harriet could understand some, so I went over to her and asked her what he said. She said she thought we were to be taken care of/to their village. I turned back to Little Crow to ask him if he had seen Father and was astonished for like a phantom he had vanished. We never saw him again.

by Living D G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)
S D,   You, again, have caught my attention.....I shall be saving and revisiting this memory......thankyou.......
That is a fascinating story SD.  Was he an ancestor??

I am always gratified whenever anyone takes an interest in the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862.  It is arguably the most important event in Minnesota history, but it is sometimes forgotten.  Taoyateduta (Little Crow), a Mdewakanton Dakota, had "often been a dinner guest" in the home of my 4th great grandmother, Cecilia (Turpin) Robinette, but my ancestors' experiences and roles in the war were both tragic and complicated.  Cecilia's husband (my step-ancestor) was killed by the Dakota on the first day of the war.  Four of her children and several of her grandchildren were taken captive.  While many children were killed in the war, it appears - from a narrative - that Taoyateduta may have been influential in the fact Cecilia's children were captured and not killed.  To complicate matters more, Cecilia's daughter, my 3rd great grandmother, Jane, was married to a mixed-blood Sisseton Dakota man who had been brought up under the guardianship of Minnesota's first governor, Henry Sibley.  Jane's husband, my 3rd great grandfather, [[Coursolle-4|Kabupi (or "Gaboo") aka Joseph Coursolle]], had walked the line between two worlds - Dakota and White.  Like many Dakota, Gaboo concurrently had two wives - my ancestor, Jane - a mostly White woman with Ojibwe ancestry - and Apan - a Mdewakanton Dakota woman.  He had children with both wives.  Gaboo/Joseph worked as a translator, a scout, and an Indian trader for the store of Louis Robert.  In his work, he would have sold items on credit which were intended - by those more powerful than him - to put the Dakota in debt and place pressure on them during treaty negotiations.  Gaboo/Joseph and Jane were at the Lower Sioux Agency on the first day of the war, 18 August 1862, and witnessed the first shots.  Three of Gaboo/Joseph's children were taken captive, and a newborn son died in their escape to Fort Ridgely.  There, Gaboo/Joseph was enlisted into the U.S. military, and he fought for the U.S. in every major battle of the war against his own people.  He was present at Camp Release and reunited with his children on 26 September 1862 when the Dakota Peace Party surrendered the captives.  The war resulted in the largest (still) mass hanging in U.S. history.  THIRTY-EIGHT Dakota men were hanged together in Mankato, Minnesota on 26 December 1862.  Their names - in addition to the names of 32 of the estimated 75-100 Dakota soldiers who died during the fighting - are documented. More than one-quarter of the Dakota who surrendered in 1862 died during the following year.  All Dakota were exiled from Minnesota, and their Minnesota reservation lands were opened for settlement.  Of the more than 600 White people killed during the war, just over 120 were soldiers and armed civilians. The others were mostly unarmed men, women, and children who were recent immigrants to Minnesota.  It is estimated that 30 per cent of the civilians killed were children aged ten and under.

I  would be remiss not to include this beautiful photograph of my 3rd great grandmother Jane (and her granddaughter) as Jane showed great bravery in her flight from the Lower Sioux Agency, the loss of her step-father and newborn baby, the captivity of her children and half-siblings, the the soldiering of her husband, and the loss of their property and livelihood.  


Jane is mentioned in Gaboo/Joseph's testimony:  

...I heard one gun fired, and then Cutnose took his gun and dropped it down that way (indicating) and shot Antoine Young right in the stomach, and he just went this way (indicating falling over). And three days before that my wife was confined with a child and in bed at the time, and she raised up, with her baby in her arms and she says - came to the door and says, "Let's go," and crying, and reached me by the arm. And I told her to lie down. Said I, "Wife, you can't save yourself anyhow." She said she would go anyhow. And we started going down the hill, there was a bluff coming down that way, and she was holding my arm this way, and I was holding my other boy with the [?] and we went down the hill and went in the timber and hid ourselves, and then we crossed the Minnesota River and came on the other side and then that night I came to Ft. Ridgley, walking with her, about midnight. That is the way I saved my life.

THANK YOU, Brad and John!
It has been an honor to share these memories with you, SD, and to shed a tear......I shall not forget.
Thank you, John.
That's quite a story, I'm glad that much of it has been saved. I had seen a documentary a while back of some Dakota riding horses on a trip commemorating the battle and hanging.
Thank you, Rob.
+10 votes

This is my Aunt Dorothy, who was in the WAAF in WWII. She was mentioned in dispatches and awarded the Oak Leaf for her courage in meeting the planes returning to Coltishall and Waterbech.

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
She looks too young to be wearing a uniform!!
She was 22 when WWII began so the right age for call up. Single women between 20 & 30 were the first group of women to be called up in U.K. - in 1941.
+10 votes

Leslie Cruger is my great grandfather.  His father and uncle were Pentecostal preachers in Montana and Washington who had their own following: the Crugerites.  Leslie was disowned by the family for choosing to follow the Baptist faith instead, and though I myself am not Baptist, I appreciate the courage it took to do what he believed to be true and right.  He had 15 siblings and many more cousins who judged him harshly for the rest of his life.  That's a tough row to hoe.

by Jennifer Gonnuscio G2G6 Mach 3 (33.3k points)
I can't see the picture.
any better?   ...I feel like I have this problem every week...sigh
Now I see him. Thanks for persisting.
+8 votes

This is our much loved grandson Kyle, who faced many challenges in his short life, suffering with muscular dystrophy.  There was no stopping him once he got his electric wheelchair.  He never complained, always gave a ready smile and had a heart of gold.  He was ultimately brave.

by Beverley Grow G2G6 Mach 1 (17.7k points)

Our beautiful grandson, Kyle.

Thank you, Beverley, for the memory of Kyle.....his character seemed very familiar, then it dawned on me that we had lost a grandson, Kade, to a rare cancer and it would be his birthday this weekend......their spirit was a joy to experience.
Thank you for your heartfelt response,  they will always be remembered as strong and brave young lads who never complained with the hand they were dealt ❤
Thank you Beverley for sharing the photo and story of your precious grandson Kyle. It is very sad to know that you and John Thompson have both lost your brave grandsons.

Thank you for your kind thoughts heart

Thank you, Alexis, I shall be sharing both Kyle's and Kade's memory with some of my family this weekend, which would be Kade's birthday.........He liked sunflowerslaugh

+5 votes

I think my 2 great aunts were very brave. The cattle in this picture may have only been small but so were they. They were never afraid of cattle or unbroken wild horses and manged both with a great level of expertise into their adult years.

by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
edited by Rosalie Neve
+4 votes

This one has been the hardest one for me so far. I know of so many brave men and women in my family. I decided to share a little bit of my paternal 4th great grandfather, Joshua Sinkler/Sinclair. His father, Richard Sinkler, served during the earlier years of the Revolution. Joshua first served as a fifer in the expedition to Canada in 1776. Then he, along with his brothers Bradbury and Samuel, enlisted on the same day in 1777 into Captain Amos Morrill’s company in their uncle Joseph Cilley’s regiment. They were with Washington during the hard winter at Valley Forge. They were all brave men, but I had to pick one. So I picked my gggg grandfather. This is a photo of Joshua Sinkler’s signature from one of the letters he wrote the government trying to collect veteran’s benefits.

Missy heart

by Missy Berryann G2G6 Pilot (229k points)

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