I only get notifications for one family that I have listed. How can I get notifications for the other families?

+2 votes
Basically, I don't thinks there is any other information that I can add.  I would love to get notifications for the other family names I have added but I don't know how to do that or even how I made it possible to get the notifications for the family that I do!
in Genealogy Help by l Briggs G2G1 (1.8k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
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As far as I know, this would be in your Tags. I don't think I'm able to see which tags you have set up on your profile, but you might start there, see which ones you have loaded, and those would be the ones you would receive notifications on.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Living Kerr
I take that back - the only tags you're currently following are Briggs. Just add the tags for the additional names you want to follow and you'll start receiving notifications on them.
I have the same problem only get notification on one family. Could someone help me with this and look on my profile and see what I have done incorrectly because I thought I had them tagged. Thank you
Nancy, your tag list is full of one-name-studies and projects.  I can see only one actual family name - Davis.
oh, thank you will see what I can do about that. :)
If you remove anything, make it the ONS tags, as most projects request that we follow those tags.
I thought that might be the case so I just removed two names that I was never getting any information about which was the Cromwell's I never received anything concerning them. I also, had left the England Group and so I removed that tag and added two family names. Thank you.

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