Does a Gedcom File populate my WikiTree?

+2 votes

Hello!   I am new to Wikitree and struggling a bit. I've been researching my family tree (and my husband's) since around 2003 and have a lot of information on Ancestry. I uploaded my Ancestry Gedcom file, thinking it would populate my WikiTree, but it doesn't seem to have done so, so perhaps I've misunderstood. The thought of having to manually enter every single person from scratch seems a daunting prospect! I understand that it is probably a good idea to start over, but if it isn't neccessary I would quite like to avoid doing unesscesary work...  thanks, and apologies if this is a daft question! There is so much to read through and I am fitting it around work & family....

EDIT    - my apologies, I have just seen that other people have asked the same question before me, and that it is possible. I will read the links provided!  

Kind Regards


in WikiTree Help by Elaine Jackson G2G Crew (740 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
no need to apologize... if you don't know, you don't know... and the related questions don't often show up until after you post.

If you get stuck, come back and ask more questions. You may, or may not like the answers
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)

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