What Are The G2G Points For

+13 votes
What are the G2G points for?
in WikiTree Help by Carolyn Clarke G2G1 (1.6k points)

5 Answers

+10 votes
Best answer
Along with the other info provided here, the following WikiTree Help link should also provide you with an idea on the point level information.


~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (338k points)
selected by Living Kerr
+15 votes

(I've done a little myself.)
by Barry Smith G2G6 Pilot (320k points)
C’mon Barry, you do more than preen. You help others, give answers, point to places for searching. Then there is encouragement and advice, all important ways for newbies (and others) to grasp the ways of Wikitree.

Always nice to learn new words wink

Struth Michel, you still learning the Aussie vernacular?
+16 votes

Aside from preening, it is an index that measures your participation in mingling with others, both the Newbies and the Oldies .... Barry is an Oldie 

G2G is also a vast loose encyclopedia of information on how-to, how-not-to, when-to, and when-not-to ref the fields, the Biography and the Sources 

The points are an incentive. a lure. a come-on, a gift of Good Feelings, and without them how many of us would be drawn to participate in G2G? Not nearly as many.  

The points are Prizes, Awards, Markers of Achievement and the chance your name will be plastered across G2G with laudatory words attached when you "hit the mark" ... it is NICE to be Appreciated, it is WONDERFUL to hit 10,000, and 100,000 and 200,000 and 1,000,000 -- a fantastic feeling to do so

by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (683k points)
Except for contrarians like me.I hate the whole concept of points in G2G and for contributions. I answer far more as comments  as a result.
+12 votes

You're so astute.  You're first day and you've noticed G2G points are different from contribution points!   Follow your passions and the numbers will pile up.

Welcome to the family.
by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (489k points)

I've never thought of my number of contributions as "points" -- always just literally the number of times I have changed a page and then hit submit. I guess since you can directly give yourself contribution points, and they aren't displayed every time your name appears on Wikitree, as opposed to G2G points here, then they aren't as good for preening.smiley

+12 votes

G2G Points:

  • You start with 100 points
  • Every question you ask is 30 points
  • Every question of yours that you select the best answer to is 30 points
  • Every answer is 100 points
  • Every answer of yours that receives best answer is 300 points
  • Every vote up on an answer you give out is 10 points
  • Every vote up you receive is 30 points
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)

(and tip: you can search G2G via the box on the top).

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