Looking at the Family lists on the page now that they are on separate lines, the children do seem to match to this family, except for Sarah because you have Sarah Ann and it looks like this family has Sarah Olive (1870 had Olive, age 3, 1880 had Sarah O, age 14). Depending on what sourcing info, if it exists in 'your' book, the middle name may be incorrect in the book. The book cited in the profile has middle name of Olive and 2 census, as well as the 1900 census with 'Olive S' with her husband and father, so it is probably correct.
Rebecca / Rebeckah E and George W seem to match with the 1870, 1880 census lists.
I have also added a note that the Death Source mentioned is for a different person with a similar name because the name is different and burial is not correct.