Adoptive Relationships

+2 votes
I'm sure this question has been answered before, but I can't find it. When a person is adopted, their name changes. I am going to link the profile to his biological parents, but that presents an interesting problem for people searching for him by either his birth name, or adopted name. Technically, he should be "searchable" under both names. I took a stab at the profile layout. Is this right? Does it make sense, or is it too confusing? Thanks!

Update 8-28-2020, thank you Melanie Paul for the link to the Adopted Child template. Perfect! I fixed the profile accordingly. Also fixed the profile name per suggestions from Lindy Jones, thank you.
WikiTree profile: John Ulmer
in Policy and Style by Norm Davis G2G6 (8.4k points)
edited by Norm Davis

You can add the adoption template, which allows for linking both adoptive parents, and biological ones.

You currently have "Wesley" as part of John's surname, which I don't think you mean it to be.

If I were editing John's profile, I would put "John Pershing" in the "Proper First Name" field and "John Wesley" in the "Preferred Name" field.

The "Last Name at Birth" would remain as "Jones" and "Ulmer" would be in the "Current Last Name" field.

I would then select the "no middle name" radio button to suppress that field.

In my opinion, we sometimes have to go against our "their convention" guidelines to get the proper name display.

Also, I would presume that all of the bold name fields are searchable - but I could be incorrect.
Awesome, thank you. That's exactly what I was looking for! The Template allows the profile link, which is great. I will change the text names of the Adoptive parents to links once I establish some profiles for them. Thanks again! The profile looks a lot better this way.

Happy it was a help. smiley

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