Is there an easy way to load my GEDCOM data into the tree without having to type every name?

+4 votes
in WikiTree Help by Mike Johnson G2G4 (4.2k points)
recategorized by Ellen Smith

Hi Mike,  Welcome to the one world family WikiTree!  Thank you for joining us!

I think the operative word is "easy". laugh It will not be easy to compare all the Johnsons and Stephens between your gedcom and the names already on the WikiTree, but at least they aren't Smiths! Your other surnames will probably be easier to compare, but common names will have more pre-existing WikiTree profiles to check to limit duplication.

2 Answers

+4 votes

I guess > Help:GEDCOM doesn't address this matter? Or > Help:GEDCOMpare I have no experience with doing a gedcom / gedcompare so I don't know whether those two Help: sheets are effectual 


by Susan Smith G2G6 Pilot (683k points)

The GEDCOMpare process will do most of the typing for you, but you cannot add new profiles until the processing (accepting or rejecting matches) of your GEDCOM is completed.

If this is your first attempt at GEDCOMpare, you should start very small to learn the system. Create a smaller GEDCOM (I seriously advise no more than a dozen profiles) by splitting your current GEDCOM.

Be sure to keep a backup copy or two of your GEDCOM on your computer/computing device (or have a copy available online outside WikiTree) before you split off a chunk for your test upload.

Post back if you need assistance with the splitting process or any other step in the GEDCOMpare process.

+7 votes

Because WikiTree is a single world tree with exactly one profile per person, we do not do direct GEDCOM uploads. Instead, GEDCOM files are compared to what's already on WikiTree via the GEDCOMpare tool, and you can use that report to decide which of your family members to add.

Just go to the "Drop Down" menu at the top of your profile and navagation  to the  "My WikiTree"  where there's at link to GEDCOM.   

This allows you to Add & edit profiles on our shared tree using your GEDCOM. You add people one at a time after confirming or rejecting suggested matches.

One of our mentors created a tutorial for the [ GEDCOMpare process] that others found very helpful. I hope that you will too.


I'll mention that you'll receive a lot of profiles to  "dismiss",   so if you're GEDCOM isn't in incredible condition  it might be easier to input the profiles and become familiar with the WikiTree software.

by Peggy McReynolds G2G6 Pilot (488k points)

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