A Virginia Lady needs some help

+6 votes
A Virginia Lady needs some help, if you are looking for a distraction

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WikiTree profile: Unknown Plymale
in Genealogy Help by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (635k points)
edited by Kay Knight
People may be looking in the wrong places for records.  All of the western part of Virignia was Augusta County until 1769 when the lower portion became Botetourt County, then Fincastle in 1772, and Montgomery in 1776.  Giles wasn't formed from Montgomery until 1806.  Knowing which county existed when is important when searching for early Virignia residents because records were kept in the original county.  This family probably never moved anywhere - or at least not very far - after settling in what was originally Augusta County.  

If Anthony Plymell was born about 1765 it would have been in Augusta County, so that's the place to look for his parents.

3 Answers

+1 vote

Suggestion is he is Peter Bowman Plymale(Plimell), but no sources.

Spouse: Ada Virginia Woods
Father: John O Plymale
Mother: Elizabeth Bathie Bowman
Children: John
Birth: Sep 1730 Lyons, Rhône, Rhône-Alpes, France
Death: Sep 1790 New River, Pulaski, Virginia, USA
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

What is the source for the record you posted ?

As I said David, it is a suggestion but no sources.
Sorry, let me try rephrasing my question.  Where did the information contained in the suggestion come from ?  I would like to review it in the context of where you found the suggestion.
+2 votes

Following along the lines of the individual who posted the information about it possibly being a Peter Bowman Plymale:

1. I found this on ancestry.com (so, be cautious with it as it isn't verified). Peter Boman Plymale - Ancestry. Your "unknown" profile would then be his wife, Lucinda Carmaletta (1730-1802). Ancestry shows he was "Born in Lyons Bretagne France on 1730 Sep to John O (Progenitor) Plymale and Bathie Bowman. Peter Boman Plymale married Lucinda Carmaletta and had 9 children. He passed away on SEP 1790 in Spruce Run, New River, VA."

2. I then found this on geni.com (again, be cautious as it is unverified). Geni - Peter Bowman Plymale

You might be able to start with some of the children, locate their records in Virginia and trace back from there?

by Amy Barlow G2G6 Mach 1 (12.6k points)
0 votes
Just on a fast, cursory search on Ancestry, it appears that there was a "Boman Plymale" at that time. Anthony Plymale's LWT is documented. Later in the day I'll have more time to focus on other sources.
by Victoria English G2G6 Mach 8 (82.1k points)

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