Why isn’t my Gedmatch number appearing on my cousin Henrietta lacks profile?

+2 votes
Hello, I need some help with something

Can someone please tell me why  my Gedmatch number is not appearing on Henrietta lacks profile? Henrietta is my fourth cousin 2x removed. Our common ancestor is Mary Polly Puckett

My Gedmatch does appear on Mary Polly Pucket’s profile and her son Robert Benjamin Lacks, but not on his son Albert Lacks, nor His Son Thomas Henry Lacks, nor his daughter Eliza Lacks, nor Henrietta Lacks profile.

I am very sick and I’m trying to fix this

Any help would be greatly appreciated in trying to fix this.

Thank you for your help

WikiTree profile: Henrietta Lacks
in Genealogy Help by Karen Showell G2G4 (4.6k points)
edited by Karen Showell

2 Answers

+2 votes
I think it may be because there are several 'private son' and 'private daughter' profiles in the family.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
Thank you so much I will try that and see if it works. Thank you so much for your help
+8 votes

Per this statement in the Help pages, your GEDMatch information for an autosomal DNA test gets linked to those who are up to 8 degrees of separation from you.

Mary Jane (Puckett) Lacks is your 5-great-grandmother, so that is 7 degrees of separation from you. Her son Robert Benjamin Lacks is thus 8 degrees of separation from you, so that is where the propagation of the GEDMatch information stops.

by Living Geschwind G2G6 Mach 9 (91.4k points)
Thank you very much for that. Is there anything that I can do to fix that?
Unfortunately no, because that is a rule imposed by WikiTree. Whoever set up this DNA thing decided that, beyond 8 degrees of separation, there is a possibility of getting false positives, so they would not propagate DNA information beyond that.

You can probably add a comment at the bottom of the various profiles pointing out your DNA information, but as far as I know there is no way to get it to show up under the "DNA Connections" header in the top right part of the profile.
Thank you very much. That is a great idea. Also can you tell me one more thing why my profile does not allow me to put it on public. It doesn’t give me the option
That's because you are a living person. Wikitree does not allow fully public profiles for living persons. Not showing your full name, your full birthdate, or your birth location for a living person is done for data and privacy protection reasons.
OK thank you very much for your help. You’ve been great.
This is not true because I my DNA shows under my cousin Beyoncé

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