I believe there is an mistake in this profile. According to the manuscript, "Tracing the Towneleys 2004" originally written by Christopher Towneley (1604-1674). The mix up in this profile is due to the confusion over the Sir Richard's. Sir Richard (1445-1482) m. Joanna Southworth and are the PARENTS of Sir Sir John Towneley (1473-1540). Sir John Towneley m. Isabella Pilkington & Ann Caterall had two sons by Isalbella Pilkington. They were Richard Towneley (1499-1555) m. Grace Foljambe and Charles Towneley m. Elizabeth Kaye (widow of John Nowell). Richard Towneley (1499-1555) was never knighted but had a son also named (Sir) Richard Towneley d.22 Oct 1554 who married Frances Wimbishe in 1537. This Sir Richard was knighted and died before his father on 22 Oct 1554. The daughter and sole heir of this Sir Richard, Mary Towneley (Abt. 1541-1606), married John Towneley of Grays Inn (1528-1607). They were cousins once removed or a generation apart and Mary was seventeen when she married John Towneley of Grays Inn (1528-1607) . John Towneley of Grays Inn was the son of Charles Towneley and Elizabeth Kaye. Charles Towneley m. to Elizabeth Kaye was second son of Sir John and Elizabeth Pilkington (above). Pls. see my source/reference for this information. *Manuscript: "Tracing the Towneleys 2004", originally written by Christopher Towneley (1604-1674); Towneleyhallsociety.co.uk/Towneley.pdf pg. 9, 10, 16
Regarding the author of the manuscript: *Christopher Towneley; Catalogue of the Towneley Manuscripts removed from Towneley Hall Lancashire which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, auctioneers of literary property and works illustrative of the fine arts at their house, No. 13, Wellington Street, Strand, W. C. on Wednesday, the 27th day of June, 1883, and the following day at one o’clock precisely. May be viewed two days prior, and catalogues had. Introduction In submitting the extremely valuable Collection of the Towneley Manuscripts for public competition it will only be necessary to point out that to Lancashire and Yorkshire Historians the Transcripts made by Christopher Towneley, in the Reigns of Charles I and II, from Manuscripts now lost or destroyed, abound in most important Evidences which will be sought for in vain elsewhere. Christopher Towneley was the younger son of Richard Towneley senior, and was born at Towneley 9th January 1603, married Alice daughter of John Braddyll of Portfield and widow of Richard Towneley of Carr, and was buried at Burnley in August l674. He was devotedly attached to the study of Genealogies, and was indefatigable in collecting Evidences illustrative of the Towneley Family and those connected with it. He appears to have been intimately acquainted with Sir W. Dugdale and all the Members of the Heralds' College, from whom he obtained most valuable information. The Heads of Lancashire and Yorkshire Families permitted him to copy the contents of their Muniment Rooms, and in transcribing the store of Evidences, borrowed from friends and correspondents, he has frequently added marginal notes, proving his intimate acquaintance with family pedigrees. In addition to these invaluable Transcripts we must be content to mention the well known Manuscript on Vellum, written circa 1388, commonly called THE TOWNELEY MYSTERIES ; the Treatises of Wycliffe ; the Salisbury Horae and Breviaria; the Armorum Ministerium, written in 1416 ; the Pedwardyn, Wilstrope and other Cartularies ; the various Collections of Armorial Bearings and Pedigrees ; the splendid Manuscript of Higdeni Polycronicon ; the Ordinances and Tracts relating to the History and Customs of England and France ; Holbein's beautiful original Drawings of the Court of Francis I ; and last not least, THE MAGNIFICENT VITA CHRISTI, GORGEOUSLY ORNAMENTED WITH FULL-PAGE PAINTINGS AND WITH MINIATURES, SUPERBLY EXECUTED IN COLOURS, HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD, BY GIULIO CLOVIO, IN THE FINEST STYLE OF ITALlAN ART. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE,