Shanna Leeland is a Wonderful WikiTreer/Adoption Angel

+11 votes

Shanna has used her amazing business/organization/engineering skills to help improve the processes for WikiTree's Adoption Angels. She has created a Directory on the spreadsheet our project uses that allows us to track who is doing what and allows us to know who has which particular skills. It's because of this automated spreadsheet that I know exactly how many cases I'm working on at a time! She has also added metrics so we can see how many people have been helped and who might be falling through the cracks.

She has also offered her skills to advise the project on how we can improve different aspects of what we do. This is all in addition to being a Family Finder who has helped many people find their birth family. 

A huge thank you to Shanna for helping Adoption Angels run more smoothly and helping me get more organized!heart

WikiTree profile: S Leeland
in Appreciation by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

Way to fly Angel!  Thanks Shanna

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (875k points)
selected by Mama Kiki Lajeunesse
+4 votes
Thank you so much, Shanna!  Spreadsheets are so powerful and, lucky us, we have you to keep ours robustly meaningful.  I truly enjoy working with you and capitalizing on all your excellent skills.  Keep up the good work (I know you will!)

PS Now, about those drop-down choose lists...
by Pamela Culy G2G6 Mach 3 (34.1k points)

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